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Happy new year 1 For All family! We hope you had a happy and safe holiday season, and we’re so excited to be here in 2022 with you. We’ve got so many amazing things on the horizon for this year! Read on for a biiiig update on what's been happening here at Deerstalker HQ.

We’ve been very busy plugging away behind the scenes, and we’re thrilled to say that we have THREE episodes already shot and ‘in the can’ (that’s a film term for complete and ready to edit!)  Each shoot block has been broken up into smaller groups of three episodes, to allow our production team to give each episode the love and care it deserves. It’s been so exciting getting to work on these episodes, and seeing our creative team bring the world to life again - even bigger and better than ever! We’ve got new sets, new creatures and characters for our party to meet, and some beloved familiar faces returning too. Check out some of the behind-the-scenes photos from the shoot so far!

BTS pictures from our first shoot block, shot by Square Eyed Creative

We’re gearing up to shoot our next block of three episodes, which was originally scheduled for the week of January 17th. Unfortunately due to the growing Covid-19 Omicron outbreak in Sydney, we’ve had to take the difficult decision to push the shoot block to February, to give our cast and crew time to get their vaccination boosters, and hopefully be well past the peak in local Omicron cases. Some of our cast and crew have already had, or are currently ill with Covid, and this has caused significant delays to our schedule while they isolate and recover. Sadly, it would take just one of our main cast or crew members getting sick and having to isolate to completely halt production, so we aren’t taking any chances!

But, it’s not all doom and gloom, because we have been making even more exciting content to come your way! To tide you over while we work away on Season Four, we’ve also been creating some short form content with your favourite characters, which we will be premiering very soon. Rather than whole episodes, these short little bite-sized videos will let you spend more time getting to know our party, and all the mischief they get up to! We are using green screen rather than creating complicated sets, so it is something we have been able to do more safely in the current times, and also something we can do with limited cast, costume and set requirements. This means more content for you, while we can still work hard on the new season! Here are a few BTS pictures to get you excited about what’s in store.

A preview of what's to come with our bonus short-form video content!

We’re announcing the date of our Kickstarter Stretch Goal One-Shot Stream very soon, so keep an eye on your emails and social streams for that. We’ll also be sharing some more behind-the-scenes photos and images of the production across our socials, so make sure you’re following us on Instagram and Twitter!

Thank you again for all your support, and for joining us on this adventure!


The Deerstalker Pictures Team


Jenny Tsang

Happy New Year!! Can't wait for all the new episodes & behind the scenes 😍

Philip Arnold

What is Nixie doing in the background of that shot with Eva on the chair? Is that her normal "resting" stance? 🤣