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Hello Patrons!

Wow, what a month it has been. Our Kickstarter has come and gone, and we are absolutely blown away by the generous support we have received. For those of you who contributed, thank you! We can’t wait to get to work on our next series. And for those of you who decided to stick with Patreon instead, or as well, thank you to you! We’re excited to get back on schedule bringing you exclusive content and rewards.

So, what’s next for Deerstalker Pictures? Well, now that the Kickstarter is over, we’re going to jump head-on into pre-production for our next season. Our fearless leader, Elliot, has been working hard on a slew of brand new scripts, so we’ll be putting our heads down to start bringing those to life. We’ve also got a brand new collaboration on the horizon, so hopefully we will be able to share more on that with you very soon!

Unfortunately for us here in Australia, we are in the middle of another enormous Covid-19 wave and subsequent lockdown (the current restrictions prevent anyone from travelling outside of 5km of their home.) This obviously means that we aren’t able to dive straight into filming, so we’re keeping everything crossed that cases will ease soon so that we can get to work. Until then, we will be using the time productively for our pre-production, creating the costumes, props and more that we will need for the new season.

And what about you, our beloved Patrons? Well, we’ve got some fun content coming your way. In addition to the first behind-the-scenes peeks of our upcoming collaboration, we’ve got exclusive cast and crew interviews, Q&As and Behind the Scenes tales. Eva will be taking you on a rundown of the making of costumes from Season 3 over a series of posts, and we’ll be chatting with Ned McPhie, the composer for the music of the series. 

Thank you again for sticking with us, we’re so excited to keep making awesome content for you.

Eva, Elliot and Goldie



Would really love to see our three amazing characters encounter a multiclass and let it devolve into absolute confusion as to what the hell is going on