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My goodness, what a whirlwind already! We've been working crazy hard behind the scenes to get  this ready, and it has kicked off with a bang! We're already 50% of the way to our first goal, and it's only been three hours since we launched!

We are so, so grateful for the support of our fans, backers, and of course, YOU! We wouldn't be here without you. If you're feeling torn between Patreon and backing the Kickstarter, you can always drop to our Copper Tier for the month, and then donate to our Kickstarter instead. Or, just sharing the word is the most helpful thing, we want to get as many eyes on this as we can!

Here is a peek at some of the incredible rewards we have lined up for backers - we are so excited at what our team has come up with!

Check out the Kickstarter here: https://bit.ly/1forallkickstarter



Joachim Köppel

Backed, you guys rock ! Fireball, Hack and sing-to-death everyone for our amusement ;-)

Displacer Dad

Damn. I missed backing this. I just discovered Deerstalker/1ForAll this week... I hope Season 4 goes well!