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We've got a release window for the new episode and it's mid next week! Thanks for your patience. 💕

While Antrius is in 2nd lockdown in Melbourne we've had to push plans forward to include a guest player and the character turned out way better than we could ever have imagined - so much so it's almost a shame to only use them once (maybe they can come back sometime in the future). Can't wait for you to meet them!

As far as updates go, I've been wanting to give you weekly posts, but since these episodes take a long time to produce it hasn't been too interesting of late. For example, last week would have been as simple as saying we had a brief ADR session for a couple of characters whose lines weren't as clear on the boom mic as they could have been. Is this something you wanna hear, or would you prefer to just get big juicy updates even if it takes a little while longer?




Shane Walley

Personally, I don't mind just getting the big juicy updates 😋

red sands

Ohhhhhh. I'm excited for the guest