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Here's a preview of the next episode! We shot it a few weeks ago on a hot Summer night. Our cast had to pretend it was chilly so they were keeping warm by the fire, when it reality everyone was just sweating profusely.

This shoot went overtime for a bunch of reasons, and despite the copious amounts of Red Bull consumed that night, everyone was very keen to rip off their costumes ASAP. Unfortunately that meant we couldn't do an on-set tour but we hope you guys understand. We'll make it up to you on the following episode!

Photos by Goldie.

Ned, our composer, is busy working on it now, so we're hoping we can get it out in the next couple of weeks. I'll keep you updated!

- Elliot




Determination and persistence win again. true grit. I'm so proud.

Bryce McKenzie

Thank you for staying determined for our sakes