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We know it's been quiet. We know how patient you've all been. We've been so anxious to finally share a video. This is finally the month. Our D&D web-series is finally coming out. The show is called 1 For All and will follow the successes and (mostly) failures of a trio of adventurers as they navigate their way through their Dungeon Master's story. The first episode is finished, we've filmed the second, and we're writing the third.

Meanwhile we have a graphic designer working on the logo as seen in the gallery above. There'll be a few more iterations to make it perfect but it's coming along! Which is your favourite?

Once that's done we'll be making a short ~5 second intro, and the first episode will be ready to post! The second episode should be out very soon after the first.

I'll share the link for the first episode soon as a thank you to everyone who stuck around. 

So all that said, a quick update on our other web-series. Anime Academy was an ordeal. "Let's do a whole series in one go," we said. "It'll be good for the algorithm," we said. I forgot that I'm just one person with an already massive workload, and everyone else involved is a busy adult who needs to pay rent.

Because we shot an OP and three episodes all the post production work has been split between four different videos. Reuben (our 3D guy) has been trying his best but his personal life is all over the place so he hasn't been able to fully commit. Ned (our composer / sound design) is also backed up with several of our projects (remember Spoopy Hoopy?). Due to the sheer magnitude of work remaining that's out of our hands, it really overwhelmed our mental load and we both put off scheduling the final pick-up shoots.

In order to save it from post production hell, I decided to just focus on finishing one single episode - it's easier to get my head around that rather than the whole series. Last month we did get a few 3D shots back which motivated me to finish some more VFX shots. Barring the branding and a few shots of my character that we still need to shoot, the first episode is close to being done. I showed the almost finished cut to the lead actor and she laughed a lot which is a good sign. Reuben is currently working on the OP which is also in a similar state to Episode 1.

The new goal is to finish it by the end of the year (where the heck did 2019 go?) and then figure out the best way to release it. I think it's best to hold off on any serious updates until the show is closer to the finish line - I'm sure you're all sick of hearing about it and seeing nothing. Hopefully the next update will be that the entire show is finished. 😂 

Still appreciating all the support,



The Ferret

Eeeee So excited for 'One For All'. I love Tieflings, they're such great disaster characters. Sorry t'hear everything sort of swamped all at once, but glad Anime Academy is getting done and 'm happy to hear about how things shake out. Luck on finishing!