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I'd pretty much given up on ever saying this, but hey, our Breath of the Wild short film starring Knitemaya is coming out next week!

We're gonna premiere it on YouTube on Wednesday / Thursday so keep an eye out for the link. Something different that we're going to try is posting both the main short and the BTS at the same time so you can watch them one after the other! We're excited to see what you guys think.

- Elliot



The Ferret

Ooh, congrats on ploughing through! And hurrah for not only more BOTW but also Knitemaya! Is Elliot cameoing again?

Deerstalker Pictures

No cameo this time sadly. I wanna do a proper cosplay sometime and maybe even star in a video myself - thinking of McCree, or maybe a JoJo? If you've got any suggestions I'm keen to hear them!