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Today we were going to release a BTS preview for our upcoming My Hero Academia video but the second shoot day for that got pushed back due to cosplayer illness. Lucky for us we have another video up our sleeve.

If you watched our latest Mercy BTS you would have seen a teaser for another video we're working on. You guys really seemed to like VINA's D.Va in our "GG" Music Video and she was a heap of fun on set, so it seemed like a good time for her to reprise her roll, this time in a Magical Girl parody.

Based on the fan art by shourca, we've reimagined what Overwatch would be like if D.Va was in a mahou shoujo anime.

It's too soon to release any significant previews just yet. I'm hoping to finish off the VFX this week, which means you can expect to see a BTS preview next week! I'll keep you updated~

- Elliot



The Ferret

*Gasp* VINA? Magical Girls? D.Va? Done by the best group? Be still my heart. If knitemaya manages to cameo somehow I can die happy.

Deerstalker Pictures

Unfortunately Knitemaya won't be making a cameo in this (we have no role for him). But we've booked another shoot for a few weeks from now. 😉 Thanks for the comment though, hope you enjoy!