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Hey guys!

Last month we made the call to change our Patreon payments from "Per Creation" to "Per Month." This means that instead of getting paid per video we post, we get a steady income every month. There were a number of reasons why we made this decision, but it mostly came down to not wanting to compromise on the quality of our projects by rushing to get them out the door by the end of the month. 

This change means we'll be able to think further in advance, by putting your donations towards the next project. Thanks to the most recent payment we've been able to comission a couple of costumes for a video we'll start working on next month, and because we can start working on it sooner, we should be able to get it out faster!

Of course this also means we'll need to change up our rewards so we can offer something exclusive every month. We're going to try some new ideas and run them by you, so please leave us some feedback if you can! One of the current rewards is early access to the Behind The Scenes videos, but that early access often just meant seeing it a few days before we made it public on our channel, as we still had to release the BTS at the same time as the short film to keep it relevant. One of the new ideas I had was to start posting scenes from the BTS video here as soon as they are edited. That way we can show you our progress on each project, and you can get a better idea of our workflow and process.

The above video is an example. We hope you enjoy the first exclusive preview of our NieR: Automata short film, with Katyuska Moonfox and Knitemaya.

Please note: I'm posting the first Behind The Scenes here for all of our Patrons, but in the future this will be exclusive to our $5+ subscribers. Please let us know what you think of this reward and this format!

Thanks for your support in January!
- Elliot


NieR: Automata: Self Destruct [Behind the Scenes: Part 01]


The Ferret

Glad nobody froze on the shoot. and Yay more of Knitemaya!

Deerstalker Pictures

It's been a while since we shot this, hard to believe it was cold enough to wear a jacket back then... Looking forward to more Knitemaya videos in the future 😊