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I told you guys that there was going to be alot of girls with dicks -w-; 

This is not a commission per say... but more like an idea that recently i came up with over the last week, not sure if any of you guys that follows me knows about certain very old Hentai anime called "Angel Blade". It was a series of OVAs made around the 2000's, apperently it was never finished, and i bet that alot of people had their first wank watching that stuff back in the day xD 

So... while i was searching for references to use on Rule34, i stumbled upon some screenshots from this particular Hentai and i had a memory moment about this thing, despite of been recognized by alot of Coomers, there's not many Fanart made of this series from what i researched around the net, and, after looking at the Plot of the whole thing... it has some potential to experiment with a few things here and there... so i though to myself "Instead of the protagonists to use some weird magical bullshit device to transform themselves into slutty looking heroines... why not them transforming into big, hung Futazon heroines instead?" 

And... this is what came from that idea -w-;;; 

This is one of the protagonist of the Hentai, i can't remember her name at the moment, but her "Heroine" name is Angel Ender. 



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