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Hello everyone! I hope you guys are doing well ^^ 

Here i have another Status Update just to let you guys know about the things that i have in plans for this upcoming month. 

The Archon Peculiar Growth comic is nearly done, almost at 80% i estimate, i just need to finish the last page with the colors and effects, once that's done, i am planning to post all the pages in one go as how i have done with previous comics... well, if the system can hold the massive sizes of all combined pages that is... Otherwise, i will have to just post the remaining pages together, i will have to work out on the Tags distribution in order for you guys to be easier to find the content you want throught all the pics i produce -w-;; and i will have to also do some clean ups here and there... 

However, there's also another thing related to the previous comic i worked on, the "Restless Night" one, the client of that comic requested to do an intro pic, like a cover and an outro pic as well, so, once i am done the Archon Peculiar Growth, i will do and finish the Restless Night comic's remaining pics, after that... i am going to take a break from working on those comics... they are fun to do, but VERY difficult and VERY time consuming, besides, there's alot of people that are waiting for their respective commissions to be finished, so, i will take a break on this month from comic productions and focus on working on just commissions, and retake the comic production the next month... There's still two comics left to do besides the ones that i am working on. 

On another note, I want to give everyone a massive thank you for all the support that you guys are giving me for joining to my Patreon, last month was... crazy, having an insane increase in the supporter's numbers and i managed to reach to the 200$ mark! I know that doesn't sound as much, but it is more than what i was expecting to achieve when i opened this Patreon all those years ago. However... the platform itself has been giving me some headaches latelly, this is not the fault of you guys (Well... except those who pledge for a whole month and then bailout at the Billing day... but i will talk about that in a minute) but more due to the fault of Patreon's pledge and billing system, which it has been a bit faulty in recent years, despite the system telling me that i have a 200$ income per month, turns out that during the billing day, i only gained 160$ in total, so there's 40$ missing, it seens to be some sort of glitch that the system has with the credit cards of the supporters that it doesn't bill them propperly and the cash ends up in a limbo sort of place, however, it seens that the missing cash that i didn't get this month will be added to this month's payment, it happened to me before on a few instances, which... is great, since i am not losing that money, but still it is enfuriating when you are relying on that cash by the end of each month. Also the fact that the system takes forever to notify me of all the changes that happens during the month, it doesn't even tell me when Supporters bail out, or when you guys are changing pledges, and if it does that, it takes like a day or two in order to notify me of said changes.

And this leaves up to another point, and also a change that i want to do, there's people who pledge for a whole month, has access to the whole content during that time, and then they bail out at the billing day without paying nothing, in order to avoid this, i am going to change the billing system from charging at the end of the month, to charging at the same day that Newcomers pledge to my Patreon, after reading the info about how this billing option operates, it will only affect those that are Newcomers, the ones that are pledging for the first time, so, all the people that already supporting me, will still be charged at the end of the month as usual from what the information says, so, you guys don't have to be worried about been charged AGAIN after paying this last month's billing, however, this is just a heads up for you guy to let you know. 

On another point, i am also going to bring back the Patreon's Poll on this month when i am done doing the comics, with the increase of more supporters... Patreon is starting to pass from a passive income, to an active one, and, if i manage to get even more supporters this month, then i will have to put more efforts in giving you guys all the perks i can think about. I still need to think about what potential rewards i could give to you guys with the current pledges i have... but, that will be later on once the backlog of commissions that i have is finished. Also, due to how Patreon is having so many flaws in recent years, i think it's time to look for other alternatives to this platform, i am not saying that i will leave Patreon, i will keep running this place as always, but it will be wise to diversify the content to other places, besides... is not a good idea to put all your eggs into one basket, god knows what could happen tomorrow, so it is better to take some precautions, if you guys has any ideas for alternatives to Patreon, specially the ones that can accept Paypal as payment, please let me know in the comments. 

And... that's all for now, once again, thank you for all the support and i will see you guys later ^^

Mofo Out. 


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