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It has been... a quite busy week -w-;; 

And yes, i decided to do Revamp ALL the pages that i already did about this comic, i wasn't fully satisfied with the end result in those pages, specially how the color pallet looked and the lack of a background in many of the panels, i mean, Mag is supposed to be inside an Orokin Derrilect, and not in... whatever the heck that blue place was. 

"But Mofo! It wouldn't be easier to just keep drawing the pages with the same style as the previous ones in order to save time and work?"

Yes... but my crippling OCD wouldn't let me sleep knowing that i could had done a better job, Mama raised no lazy bums, nor bitches! 

Besides, the color pallet now matches much better in comparason with how it looked before, and... while the background is not as great as how i would like it, it is a much bigger improvement. 

I am gonna take a break from this comic and focus on other commissions, and then going back to this the next week, in the mean time, enjoy these brand revamped new pages people! 



Ovidius Naso

This is looking even better in color! Can't wait to see the whole thing :D


Let's see if i can finish this monster of a comic on this very week xD