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I kind of want to increase the Warframe content output, however... this pic has more than meets the day. 

Scooping around the internet procrastinating like a Baller, I found alot of nice sketches and unfinished linearts made by a guy called "Lewdreaper", and i though for a moment "Hey, why not just finish them by myself? They look pretty neat!" so, i contacted Lewdreaper on Twitter to ask permission to finish his work, in which he was 100% agree with that idea as long as he was credited. 

Then... something very unfortunated happened, he passed away a few months ago, and i found out about the news because i met a friend of his https://twitter.com/PotatoLiquid on Twitter a few weeks ago and we started to talk about lewd things until we talked about the topic. 

Not gonna lie, finding out that he died was... bad, i wasn't that close to the guy, but still... finding out that he suddenly died out of the blue left a sour taste in my mouth that still last even today.

And for a while, i was feeling kind of hesitant to redraw some of the unfinished works that he left behind, knowing that he was no longer with us, and i didn't wanted to take advantage of his work now that he is gone. But after talking with the Potato about the idea, and that he agree on finishing the works he couldn't finish, i was like... screw it, let's do it!

So, i am going to redraw and finish some of the pics he couldn't finish. The pics are going to be 100% credited in his name. 

Sorry if this story is... kind of depressing, but i wanted to speak a few things about this pic and the ones that i will be working on that he wasn't able to finish. 

RIP Lewdreaper... 



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