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To put it short, my travel to Europe was... crazy, to say the least, unfortunally i wasn't able to stablish myself over there, neither seek for a propper job, there was ALOT of things that i didn't knew, specially the whole laws, restrictions that the European countries has when it comes to foreigns. 

So.... let's say that i have hit a wall, several times due to me lacking the nescesary knowledge and also for been VERY naive believing that i could seek a job while entering as a tourist. 

Moral of the story, if you want to stablish yourself in another country, make sure to do all the nescesary precautions and propper research, and MAKE SURE to be hired by a company of the country you want to go, make sure that you can get a Visa and all the nescesary papers to stay in that country that you want to go...

Otherwise, you will lose time and ALOT of money... like me -w-;; 

It wasn't a total waste though, i did had my fun times visiting Spain and Germany, also going accross Italy and France was good too ^^ seeing another culture, trying new food and also meeting some friends for the very first time as well, also meeting my girlfriend for the first time in person was... a very touching and magic moment (too bad that the german border control had to ruin it a bit >->;)

And i am forever thankful of the friends and people that helped me out to get back home, because... seriously, if not were for them, i would had ended in a cell or something... 

Does this means that i will stay forever in Venezuela? Hell no, despite the mistakes i made in Europe, this was a nice learning experience, and now I have a better understanding of the whole situation, so next time i will be better prepared once i do my "Round 2" Attempt xD

Now to the updates part. 

I have made some modifications to the Tiers in my patreon and also changing the names of each Tier as well, nothing has changed pretty much, is just to better portrait the things that i offert depending on the tier that the supporters are. 

The biggest change i did was to change the Tier known as "Hardcore Mofo"(... i think that was the name -w-;;) it used to be a 15$ per month tier that... in all fairness, never got any sort of attraction whatsoever, so, i decided to lower the price to 10$, changing it's name to "My Wallet Feels Heavy This Month" and also providing the chance of participating in the Pool options for the patreon, since now i am going to start to make drawings according to what the people chooses with that tier, i seriously need to focus more on my Patreon from now on rather than in the commissions. 

As for the current projects, the development of The Ritual comic is going smoothly, my partners in crime has been working quite alot since i was travelling, and many pages where finished, after i am done with this update, i will post them up, also, i will start to announce the comic in my other websites and see how the general reaction is going to be ouo

Well, that's all for now folks, once again, thank you so much for your support ^^



Note: it is a "poll" not a "pool", sorry for the mistake -w-;