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Long time without doing these sort of journals... update stuffs.

Well, it has been allmost 8 months since i arrived to Colombia and things has been... a mix of good and a mix of bad, but more good than bad, maybe... 70% good 30% bad. 

I had been a tad slow when it comes to posting art here and there, mainly because i was sick for most of the week, fever, diarreah and a massive migraine on top of the cake... yeah, my body hasn't been very cooperative with me recently, plus adding the burps that has returned with a vengeance for some reason... ughhh... i guess the food around here is too spicy for my beta stomach -w-;

And trust me... is nearly impossible to sleep when you chest is pack up with gases and you can feel your heart beating at your ears >-> is not something that could potentially kill me of course, but still... is not a nice feeling, plus, not be able to sleep propperly is a bitch. 

However, soon i will be moving out from my current residence and go from Cucuta, to Bogota, which is the capitol city of Colombia, from there, me and my sister will do some errands to have some papers in check, and later on... we both will part ways. We are planning to move out on May 7th, which is roughly in a week. We hope that things will go as smothly as it were here ^^

Now, when it comes to my content in general, moving to a place with more internet does have improved my content, plus be able to post on different platforms and allow my work to be watched on a wide audience also has helped to grow my income on Patreon, like... quite alot, we are at over 150$! that's allmost the entire rent! 030

However, as time passes i have been taking in consideration the possibility of doing more NSFW stuffs, mainly because this is the thing that drags more people's attention to sort of speak, in the past, i had been a bit hesitated when it comes to post lewd content, mainly because i feared that my NSFW content will overcome my SFW stuffs, probabbly leaving people with not good view on my persona, now days, it's almost impossible to separate the art from the artist... which it something that i find very frustrating... 

But then again... i have been thinking myself... if people wants and has demands for this sort of content... fuck it, i can provide it, and if that increases my income on patreon up to the point where i won't be needing to keep doing commissions in order to survive, only doing my own projects... then let's do it!

I have been thinking on opening an account on Rule 34, which is the place where the lewd gathers the most and post all the naughty material i have been making over the years, i have some lewd work that haven't posted over here, but i think it's the right time to flood the freakings gates with the NSFW stuffs!

Commissions are going slowly but surely, i am still trying to balance the comms with my own projects, like fanarts and more OC related stuffs, but we will see how everything fits in the end, hopefully, by the next month, we migth reach 200$ or so!

Anyways, that's it for now, take care of yourself and have a good evening people, and thank you for your constant support ^^


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