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Hello everyone.

I hope you guys are having a wonderful christmas and a good end of the year, i... just kind of wanted to say a few things and my overall take about 2021 now that this year is almost over. 

2021 was... full of ups and downs for me, i guess the biggest change in my life too, since i was able to leave Venezuela, and Colombia has been such a nice place i have to say compared to Venezuela... it's... kind of like Venezuela if things didn't went to shit...

Getting used to live under rent is tough! But, i am getting the hand of it, sure, i am spending more cash and saving less than how i was in my country, but the overall services and internet connection are miles away better in comparason, is like the difference betwen day and night. 

Though not everything is sunshine and rainbows... my aunt died yesterday, she lost the fight against Cancer, i found out that she got Cancer a few days back, and then yesterday at night she died... since i haven't been in contact with my family that much, i am not sure if they didn't told me before so i don't feel worried while i was grinding to earn the money to pay rent, or my aunt just didn't told anybody until well... it was already too late.

Regardless of what it was, people who suffers very serious illnesses don't have a very good survival ratio in a country like Venezuela, people goes to hospitals in order die, instead of getting heal, that's how bad the health care system is over there... well, at least now she is in a better place, and i hope she didn't suffered so much.

December always was a mix of bad and good for me, my granny died in December 24th, my grandpa died a decade later in December 30th and now... my aunt dies in December 20th... fate has a very morbid sense of humour, one could say.

When it comes to work, i am still doing commissions, which is my biggest and only source of income, however, my own health is kind of taking a toll, i am still having some burp issues and i get tired very easily, i am trying to draw at least six hours per day in order to not get extremely exhausted, but that also decreases my drawing speed and increases the time of waiting. I should get some medical attention after i sort out a few comms, after what happened to my aunt, better not take any chances. 

What are my expectations for 2022? i hope to reach Europe the next year so i can finally settled down over there, that's my main goal currently, i am not exactly sure how i will get there, but i am optimistic, if i managed to get out of Venezuela, sure as hell i can reach Europe. 

Sorry if this kind of killed the mood for those who are having a good time on these dates, is not my intention to make you feel bad, is just that i kind of wanted to put this out of my chest.

Welp! back to work, cuz rent doesn't wait for anyone... neither for the dead.



Sincere condolences for you and your family. Stay strong and don’t let this knock you down. You’re strong, i know it. Also, is best to get a check up at the local clinic, to make sure you’re in top shape.