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Uffff... took a whole week, specially thanks to all the damn internet blackouts and lightouts that i am currently having where i live >->;

Another commission from this dude https://www.deviantart.com/ci0 and theres still one last commission to do before this month ends from this guy -w-;

After saving a little girl, and managing to take her to the evac site where she got reunited with her parents, Gwen was more than ready to finally give up to the symbiote infection that was messing with her mind too much, and a whole squadron of Shield operatives including Nick Fury itself was more than ready to take her down, if not where for the interruption of agent Wasp, who begged for not eliminate Gwen, after some tense moments, they realeased Gwen, and with the company of Wasp they went to Doctor Connor's place in order to find out more about the origins of this outbreak... things didn't went really smooth with Gwen and Connors, but they made an unneasy alliance for the time been, while they tried to discover what happened, the infection started to affect Gwen's body and mind too much, as a last resort, Connors used an experimental serum in order to eliminated the symbiotic cells from Gwen's body, on a normal infected probabbly would had worked... but in Gwen's case, the symbiote in her body absorbed the serum and mutated, turning her into an organism that is able to consume another symbiotes, with these new powers, she was now able to fight back the infection and healing the infected people by consuming the symbiotes from their bodies... and while Gwen's mind was saved from been consumed, this change was very drastic to say the least...

A little rundown to what is happening to our beloved heroine! o3o i freaking love how this turned out ^^ the background... could have been a little more better, but i got very frustrated at some point, with all these damn blackouts that erased my progress all the time.

Welp! enjoy people! ^^



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