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*Takes a very deep breath* ehhhhhh... damn, wow! ummmm... i am not used to recieve gifts, and ohhhh... boi, this one has ALOT of stuff behind it -w-;;

I don't want to get into details and other stuffs, but... a year ago i have some really big issues with this guy https://www.deviantart.com/xmonstergirlshideout and shit hitted the fan... hard, there was a ton of drama that was impossible to avoid. 

Long short story, we got a nasty argument and we never talk to eachother again for like an entire year, recently this month, he send me a message, apologizing for everything that happened, i also apologize myself because i got part of the responsability of what happened there as well. 

And he commissioned someone to make this gift for me, about an OC that we both shared before but i couldn't use it, i mean i could... but it felt bad for me, now, he told me that i can use her once again, which is nice ^^ 

You know... 2020 has been a really shitty year.... for everyone to be honest, it's christmas so... it's better leave the bitterness and other stuffs behind for once, i never spected this, and i am very happy really x3

Also, big freaking Kudos to this guy as well https://www.deviantart.com/dristin007 who is the artist who made this amazing piece... holly shit! 

Maybe i will commission him something for the next year... who knows? 

Merry Christmas everyone! ^^




Looks good. Merry Christmas as well :)