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A whole freaking week drawing this!! -w-;

Well, i could have finish this up earlier if not where for some issues that i have been dealing with in real life >-> plus all the powerouts that has been happening around here.

Anyways, here we a LV.2 commission for this godlike mofo  https://www.deviantart.com/ci0  based on his story "Outbreak" where our beloved Spider Woman is facing a giant symbiote infected version of Wasp at the New York Harbor, it seems that Gwen took something in order to make the fight a little more fair though.

Well... it could be said that i improved a little bit with the backgrounds this time around, still... it doesn't look as how i want it, but i guess it's the best i can do with my current Sai program... i still need to practice more backgrounds >->

You can check his story on here  https://www.deviantart.com/ci0/art/Spider-Gwen-Outbreak-CH-4-SUPER-SIZED-RUMBLE-841370915 




and you did a great job :)