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 Another OC that has been in development for some time ^^

This is Hellas, an OC that i made like... 5 years ago, i think? but i wasn't very happy with how her design looked at first, so i put the character on ice until i was able to come up with a more propper look for her, i am still trying to develop her story, but here are some facts about her that i got so far ^^

-Name: Hellas Melders

-Other names: The Albino One or just Albino.

-Age: 28

-Height: 5,7 feet ( 1.75 meters)

-Likes: Bussiness, money, her night clubs, crafting weapons, drink, getting drunk, making jokes, parties, shooting competitions, bets, collecting weapons.

-Dislikes: Very dry places, loosing money, back stabbers, Hangovers, too serious people, her siblings (more or less), thiefs, been called "sushi".

-Species: Avlana, an anthro shark species that are amphibious, able to live on land and water, but they are not able to survive very hot and dry places for too long without a source of water. They are known for been well versed went it comes to bussiness, specially on selling and been merchants of all sorts of goods around the galaxies, after the invasion of the Reavers on Earth, several Avlanas travel to Earth seeking opportunities for make bussiness with the locals and due to the planet having vast oceans and seas, a good amount of them decided to take Earth as their home, it is still unknown from which planet they came from, but apperently, it got destroyed, forcing the species to fled and spread across multiple solar systems.


Hellas is an Albino Avlana, which is very weird to see in the species, this gave her some distinsion over her siblings, and also got her into unfortunated descriminations and harrasments amount her peers at a very young age, but she managed to stand all those difficulties, and despite of living in a family with a nice economical status, she decided to make her own life and become an arms dealer from very young age, alongside with her siblings, which causes some rather tough competition on seeing which one was the biggest weapons seller in the family.

After the Reaver war, several nations where in chaos and multiple comflicts rised up, which it was a call for alot of mercenaries and guns dealers, been Hellas one of them, unlike her brothers, she allways tried to do her bussiness by herself which it complicated things for her at times, although, one day she meet Deiviz, who was seeking an arms dealer for a team of mercenaries that he was trying to set up, both made a few missions together, Hellas been an exceltent support thanks to her sharpshooting abilities, helping Deiviz on several jobs and both earning quite a big of cash in some comflicts.

With time, Hellas managed to build a night club called "The Drunken Fish" set on planet earth and a another one on the Nowhere station, the one on Earth is a facade, disguising the bussiness while it's used as a hotspot for weapon buyers, due to the strict regulations on the weapons manufacture, it's quite hard to get weapons that are not registered under the regulation regime, each weapon now has a tight security system that can "lock" the weapon if its registered of some irregularities, becoming useless, or, not been able to fire, unless it is used with the respective owner of the gun, due to the ID measure implemented to all weapons that are manufactured currently.

This allowed people like Hellas to open a bussiness of "Weapon Laundry" in order to wash weapons and get rid of the ID measure, or, crafting customized weapons for clients. She is also a rather big weapon collector, and has a rather big collection on her stablisment on Nowhere, getting rare and antique weapons from different species and cultures, also, a very hardcore drinker at times and the party girl of the team, making jokes and trying to rise the morale of the team, despite of certain cyborg feline that tends to find her jokes a bit annoying.

It's not much.... but i think that i managed to explain allmost everything about her on this ^^ well! enjoy the new character! i can't wait to make more pics related to her ^^

... i got more stuffs to draw... and so little time! ;3; 



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