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Long time without making a journal thing -w- ehhh..... hit there! ^^ i really hope that you guys are doing fine and been safe as well in these hard times.

I have been doing ok on the last months, gathering and saving money up, next month i will be doing the great journey! and finally going out of this freaking hole called "Venezuela", i will be travelling to Colombia, and see if i can stay there for a few months before going to Europe.... i am still trying to decide in which country i should go and stay  -w-; 

However, if i am going to go outside to another country, with different circumtances and such, i will need to boost up my patreon, you see, i can't just rely on pure commissions or working for a group, i have to find a way to get an extra income in order to be able to survive by myself out there, and stay alive long enought until i can find a job or something.

So, by the next week, i will be doing some changes, and adding extra tiers on my patreon with eachone having different types of rewards, i will put them down bellow so you can give them a look and what do they offert x3

* Mofo Recuit: 1$ per month, with this you are allowed to see all the W.I.Ps from my commissions, projects, comics, whatever thing that i might be working on, Also my thanks for giving some support ^^

*Mofo Corporal: 5$ per month, with this you are allowed to see all my W.I.Ps from my commissions, projects, comics, whatever thing that i might be working on, also, gain access to my finished pics on PNG file with a good resolution. 

*Mofo Sargeant: 7$ Per month, with this you are allowed to see all my W.I.Ps from my commissions, projects, comics, whatever thing that i might be working on, also, gain access to my finished pics on PNG file with a good resolution, and High Definition pics with a much bigger resolution than normal, well, the maximun that can hold my poor dinosaur laptop xD

*Mofo Captain: 15$ Per month, with this you can gain access to all the rewards from the previous tiers, but ALSO! you have a special discount of 15$ off in my commission prices ^^ 

*Mofo Commander: 20$ Per month, with this you can gain access to all the previous rewards, including the 15$ off from my commission list, and as an extra, you will be able to request me a drawing per month! of whatever thing you want owo 

And those are all the tiers that i have in mind so far, i am not planning to make more tiers, and 20$ is the maximun amount that i am willing to charge up for my content, probabbly i could upgrade some of the tiers in the future, like making potrait pics, but for that, i would need a more powerfull PC and currently, i am working with a VERY modest machine xD 

Anyways, that's all the info i have so far, so see ya until the next one, stay strong, healthy and safe out there people ^^


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