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Finally i got some spare time to finish up! owo

Welp! seeing the good reception that these reference pics are having, i decided to draw one of the most popular characters on my gallery around DA which is a rather "mature" version of the Blaze The Cat from Sonic games.

You see, at first, these kitty princess was just a practice thing on my early days back in 2017 i believe, the original design was made by this allmighty champion  https://www.deviantart.com/luigiix  so i asked him to make a version of the character, and after a few tweeks and tries, this was the result ^^

This time around i did some extra small details to her previous design  https://www.deviantart.com/snarkymofo/art/Princess-Blaze-703736750  giving her a more "Royal" vibe. 

You see, Blaze in the videogames is a princess that comes from another dimension from the one that Sonic currently is, she is the guardian of the Sol Emeralds and her kingdom as well, which is something that i like, a strong badass princess dealing with shit and kicking asses by herself owo currently, i am seeing how make a story thing upon her and her origins, since Sega is so lazy that they never gave this character a propper origin to be honest -w-;;; 

What a wate damn it.... ohhh.... well, i guess is up to the fans to come up with better ideas in the end.



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