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Hello there! owo

I apologize for been inactive for some time now, i have been very busy working on some private and secret commissions since the last week, and i am not allowed to show those on public unfortunaly -w-; but i managed to get some free time for myself and draw this.

Her name is Kat, an OC that belongs to this dude  http://www.hentai-foundry.com/user/Clobworld3/profile   one of the super mofo supporters ^^ and this guy has been supporting me for a VERY long time, paying 25$ each month.... seriously, this guy really helped me when things where rough back then, so the least i could do was doing a pic of his main OC, according to my style of course xD

*sigh* the fucking Corona Chan is not making things easier, not to mention that my internet connection have been really lately >-> but i hope to get more post in the upcoming days if is possible ^^




cool one :)