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Hello there people! ^^

As the tittle indicates, i am feeling alot more better now, and the problem with the burps is fixing up... slowy but surely, at least now i don't have to burp every 5 fucking seconds >-> and now i can start to draw more frequenly. However, after running down the last medical tests, it turns out that my condition was more likely a combination of several things that got stuck up and finaly imploded.

The problem with the parasites is now finish and the microcospic bastards are dead and buried, however, those where not the cause of those "fake" hearth attacks that i haved sporadicaly over the last weeks alongside with the sensation of feeling weak at times, that actually is the consequence of 2 long years of pure and hard sedentarism, you see.... since i started to draw (for survive) back in 2017 i actually never did anykind of excersize whatsoever, that has taken a very unhealthy toll on my derpy body, and no, i am not fat, i am very skinny to be honest, but still! i can get exausted and out of air quite easily... i found that out two days ago at the hospital went i was walking up the stairs with my mom.

THAT'S UNACCEPTABLE DAMN IT! i got 25 years old for fuck sake! these are my golden years! how the hell i can't even walk up some stupid stairs??? and my mom has more the double of age of me, and she actually does have hearth issues and she can do it without breaking a sweat! >->; 

Jeez... that really struck a nerve on me... so the solution for this is getting fit, and ASAP! however, i will have to buy myself a few things before getting started, like some shoes (i don't have shoes, i just use my slippers all the time >w>;) a new bed (i actually sleep over a mattress that is on the floor) a cellphone (i have past 8 months without a cellphone since it was stolen from me)... ummm... wow... i didn't noticed how many little things i actually have... -u-;

I will see if i can make a list of avaible slots by the next month, in order to buy myself those things that i really need, i will probabbly end up mauled by the ton of work that i would have to do, but fuck it, i really need those things! and i will start to do some minor excersizes on the time being.

Well, that's all for now, i am back! well, a little, so don't get worry about me ok? -w-;


Ovidius Naso

Sounds like you have a lot to do, but at least you know what the list is. Glad to hear you are doing better!


I really was "incapacitated" while i was having those stomach and burp issues, i still have them thought, but is not as problematic as before, and trust me, i still haven't forgot about the commission -w-; sorry if is taking so long to finish