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"Heh! As if you could ever become someone with a pure heart, human…"a disembodied voice in my head chastised me from within the depths of my mind. I sighed as my thoughts turned to mourning that fateful day, where my life got turned upside down...towards a situation no normal girl of my age should be in.

I just couldn’t believe it. How had my life become needlessly complicated, without any volition of my own – without even me asking for it.  “Why me?!” You know, it’s amazing how the selfish act of another person...or thing... can impact your own life and crush the happiness of others.

"My goodness… your self-pity party is as vexing as that smelly Swiss cheese you love so much! Remember that We now share the one mind and body. Our souls are hopelessly intertwined together and I am forced to feel each and every one of your superficial and banal thoughts and emotions… "

The voice kept trying to bully me, belittling my clearly serious problems. This hussy would not even allow me the luxury of personal space. No! Not even a moment of silence to clear my head in peace!  I mean geez!! I’d like a moment to at least get my game face on like any other NORMAL GIRL would need after such a horrific experience!!! 

"Heh, so I’m a hussy now, am I? Well now...I suggest you curb your mental tongue, least I mistakenly think you are trying to insulting me, little human... You know, I have a better idea. Why don’t you instead of lamenting over yourself, think about what happened from the beginning? Think back. Reflect. Retrace your steps on that day. See the moment where you erred and our curse malformed and twisted our fate into one. Then yes...right there, fix your mistakes… And then? You ask? Well, then you cannot fail in becoming something better...perhaps even something truly superlative and worthy of hosting someone like me”.

My eyebrows involuntarily pursed together as I sighed loudly at the sanctimonious nature of my disembodied neighbor, I knew I just had to grit my teeth and move on. She’d never understand me...not that she wanted to either. So I simply closed my eyes and concentrated ignoring the further taunts, jabs, and provocation of my intrusive guest’s voice. I focused….focused...focused even hard on memories, memories of what happened on that fateful day. I hoped this voice would not mix, now skewer the accuracy of my recollection of what had transpired. 

"Yes human girl. Of all truth, silence is best. Find the truth on that day. I’ll leave you now to with your own reflections…"


It happened on a Friday, which could well have been on a Friday the 13th. School was as boring as it ever was... having maths, physics and chemistry in one day was a torture, good thing that it was Friday. Sometimes I feel like the person responsible for making the assignments have some sort of sadistic sense of humor for putting the most hated materias in one single day, specially being the last day before the weekend, like passing by a hell before those two sweet heavenly days of weekends.

"Bye Lyna! See you later! Remember that we have a thing to do later, right? " 

My friend Stacy told me, waving her hand energetically as I got on the bus. I put on my game face and turned to face her as I smiled back and winked at her saying, “Totally girl! Hey, bus is taking off, so I’ll call you later!” As I got on the bus I looked around and saw an empty seat near the window which I immediately took a seat at.

I had a few errands to run that afternoon, attend my Yoga classes, and finish my homework. And still I needed to eke out a lil time to kill the vice while playing Lobster Hunter and team up when Stacy got online in the game to see if we could kill the boss Bobhemoth together… Yes, yes, I know what you’re thinking, that’s it? Look I know it doesn’t sound like "serious plans" but that’s the daily grind for you...it just wears you down, eats away at you from the inside out, till you’re totally zombified. And that’s just not cool dude, you know? 

Yeah, so anyways, my trip home from school is a pretty long one, so I usually preoccupy myself by looking around at the moving landscape passing me by. Music is the best distraction for a monotonous journey, so I plunked in my headphones to help me recharge from the fatigue of being inside that madhouse called “College”. it gives life even to the most insignificant things...like trip. 

Everything went on as usual... ehhhh, more or less. You see, half way through the ride home, my headphones issued an unpleasant static discharge...fracking things shocked me! This was super weird dude must’ve been some kinda defective headphones. I bought those headphones back when Radioshack was going under a couple years back. I got those cause my family...well, we’re not exactly the rich type. So I couldn’t afford much better than those crappy ones. But whatevs, it is what it is. Now where was I? Oh yeah, since I had a report to do, I decided to get off the bus right in front of the metropolitan library for...ugh god, research

It was just like any other typical public municipal library, smelly with molded old dank books, coupled with old crone grannies for librarians who were half dead desiccated husks that wreck of garlic and onions...eke! And, worse, the library was without any internet. The physics teacher send us an investigation that we have to do from a book about… you guessed, physics! Why not using the internet instead? Well… that teacher is the old style teacher that prefers a smelly book rather than using more efficient ways of research, he is like one of those grumpy old mans on your neighborhood that will surely shoot you in the face with a double barrel just because you step on his garden… yeah, that type of person…

Anyways, I don’t think there should’ve been any kind of interference by WiFi signals. Yep for a second time I got zapped by my headphones. I thought it strange that I kept getting zapped so I took a look at my player. When looking at the screen, some kind of warning came out in a yellow window "We are recalibrating the surround space of this device. Please wait and do not disconnect the headphones."

“Strange,” I thought. I simply scoffed at the weird warning and that’s when I made my first big mistake by not paying attention to that warning. As I put my player away I did not see the change in the instructions, nor how the screen became progressively corrupted by yellow pixels. I was fifteen minutes into my studies at the library, and buried in those god awful smelly books before I began to notice a strange shimmer at the corner of my eye. I looked around and saw that it was coming from my bag, which had started glowing a pale yellow light right through the nylon fabric. It glowed so brightly that it started lighting up the surrounded area. I felt freaked by this...but still I had to know what was going on in my bag...so I took a nervous gulp as I inched forward and unzipped it open. As soon as I unzipped my bag, I saw the full bright light shimmering from my player. I saw the screen, but I could’ve sworn...almost seemed to be forming some kind of face. Then, for a second, I saw two bright intense eyes flair open, at higher resolution than the rest of the pixelated mosaic, staring at me and transfixing me with a spellbinding gaze. I felt some kind of invisible force leap into me from those two eyes...and I lost my foot and fell back.

In the next moment, I could only feel the sensation of a sharp needle...no...No more like, a dagger piercing through my head, I had the worst migraine ever and it led me to almost scream out in agony while bringing my hands to my head. I could almost feel an uncomfortable pulsing cramp going through every pore and fiber of my being...something changing...being overwritten….in me. I can feel all my nerve endings, I could hear all my blood rushing to my brain – my heart almost gave out from the instantaneous surge of blood pressure. I thought it was a stroke and that I was going to die...but, no. The pain eventually subsided. I got to my feet again having fallen limp during the stroke. I tried to remain calm. 

My first reaction was to quickly remove the headphones, sighing deeply I quickly scanned the environment around me...but it was a Friday afternoon. No one would be seen around at this gods forsaken den of mold and allergies. There was no one to give me awkward uncomfortable glares. Blushing slightly, I took a deep breath to regulate my erratic breathing and tried to regain my composure...to put on my game face. 

I tested walking, stretching my limbs, even did a cartwheel or two to see if I was fine...nothing out of the ordinary. I was fine...perfectly healthy, for what you can expect from an average teenage girl. I quickly gathered my stuff and booked it for home.

However, along the way I was quickly overcome by a deep dizziness that almost clouded my vision. “Ugh, must be a relapse coming! Oh mom, I hope you’re home…need you. I need to get home!” I thought. My head felt no pain, but I felt that images of places and concepts that were totally alien to me were being grafted directly into my brain, my memories. I saw an immense castle, a desert with a giant chasm...an abyss that went off into the nothingness of the void – I saw a land filled to the brim with fantastical sights and creatures...beings of unparalleled grace and beauty...also some that were monstrous and grotesque. “I-I’m going nuts here! What are these things flashing through my head?!” I asked myself. I was so absorbed that I apparently walked right into the door of my house, not looking where I was going. I just wanted to get in my house ASAP! I wanted mom to help me and get better. To at least offer me some sweet words of comfort as torrents of pain and strange sensations wracked my body. I knocked repeatedly on the door, like a madwoman possessed, “Mom! Mom? Hello, are you in there! I lost my key and can’t get in! Please help me!” 

"Oh my God! Lyna, are you okay? “My mom hurriedly unlocked the door upon hearing my urgent tone.

I shook my head frantically, and stumbled into the house, looking for support.

I used anything that was in the room for support in order to not collapse on the floor, my mother helped me a little by holding my hand and helping me to sit on the sofa. She immediately placed her hand on my forehead. "Lyna?! What’s going on? You’re burning up, sweety!"  Mom quickly ran into the kitchen and got me a damp face towel to put on my forehead. She then tool the old bottle of Nyquil we had from our medicine cabinet and gave me a heaping dose of that icky tripe. Eke! Taste’s gross, I don’t recommend you ever try that brand of cold medicine. Then she took me to my room and tucked me under loads and loads of blankets. All this was done in a swift flurry of motion, and I was so dazed and feverish I couldn’t register or complain about it...not that I wanted to. I love my mom...s-she’s so awesome!

“Now sweety, I’m going to run to the store to fetch some fresh ingredients for some nice soup. It’ll make you better and warm you up… You be a good girl and stay in bed now, you hear?” 

“O-ok mom…”  I tried to meekly reply. 

“Shhhh...Sleep child,” was all mom said as she very quietly but swiftly rushed out my room and out of the house to continue her one woman mission of curing me of my ills. 

We usually take turns doing chores, Mom cooks and I clean or vice versa, it may sound annoying, but hey. She’s the only one who cared to keep me. She raised me alone all these years...without dad being around...gods know where he’s ended up…

I was in a cold sweat as I had never had before, I was fearful of things to come, but I was overcome with sudden fatigue. Tired, I decided not to give a damn about the details and just...sleep. I was soon fast asleep. 


But it probably wasn’t too long before I got up feeling super-heated again. It was as if the migraine had spread throughout the body in the form of piercing fiery sensations. It was then that I could feel it. Something I’d never forget, I remember every vivid detail: first I distinctly felt how my bones snapped like twigs creaking and splintering into a thousand pieces, and I continued to grab my aching body. The strange thing was when I noticed that the careful cocoon of sheets that I had made was starting to feel much tighter, as if my body was expanding through the fold of sheets. I looked down as soon as I could muster the strength to lift my head up and my suspicion was confirmed when I saw how the sheets had curled up the burgeoning contours of my body. I was growing taller...larger….

At that moment I hugged my waist as I felt pressure build up. I then noticed something was starting to prick me, but when I tried to clasp at the offensive spot, the pain only intensified. “Ah!” I yelped like a hapless pup. I frantically fumbled with blankets, linen and clothing, till at last I saw like in some Lovecraftian body horror nightmare my shifting form, presently in mid-transformation like some misshapen malformed body...with some limbs jutting out and others super sexy, and others my puny teenage self. I almost wanted to scream out...but the pain was unreal...so much so that it silenced any scream that I may have tried to yell out...to tell you the truth, I don’t rightly recall that part all too well or fondly… 

Anyways, the wound was unmistakably there, completely cracking skin around my waistline, like a deep nick with a knife...but it wasn’t bleeding though...more like an old war wound I saw in one of those war dramas about veterans once. But what I noticed the most was that my body, my legs, my everything was in flux of some strange metamorphosis. From the tightness of my pants, to how much wider my shoulders were, to my now elongated back...everything was changing...being overwritten by something...I dared not ask what…

My shirt was making tearing and rippling sounds as it now had to contain nearly twice the mass it had. Needless to say, I was a few sizes larger than before... and not only that, when I turned my attention to examine my hands, I noticed something that made my skin crawl...the nails...my fingers, were larger, thicker...fiercer... It seemed that my hands were more animalistic in nature, like claws... and perhaps these claws were the culprit for my injuries down below. 

"But what the-nghhhhh... AAAH!" I was wracked in a world of intense pain. And I shut my eyes and grimaced my face as a means to withstand the pain and maintain consciousness.

At that moment my arms began to rattle uncontrollably, spasming and shaking in the throes of transformation. I could feel my other hand quickly metamorph, mimicking the transformation process of the previous one. My palms clammy and lathered with sweat began to swell as my fingers stretched and tensed, it was horrible to see how my thumbs were growing completely disproportionate while the middle and index fingers merged into one, the ring finger and the little finger formed together, giving my hand the general shape of a "paw" with three giant fingers. I was able to open my eyes as the pain subsided briefly and saw this disturbing sight. It was one thing to feel it, but it was completely another to see it unfold before my eyes. Now I was forced to accept this as the reality of my developing situation. Just then all the nerves and tendons of my hands broke and gathered at the same time, it was as if my hand was pulverized and reattached again, due to the pain. I was so choked up in pain… I couldn’t scream, merely whimper in teary silence…

I got scared seeing how my arms twisting. My skin crawling, and my muscles starting to expand and contract slowly gaining muscle tone and definition. I had always wanted to get stronger, like those amazing Olympic Athletes you’d see on TV. But this…? This was ridiculous! I felt as if my muscles were constantly being riddled with a jackhammer while someone tied up a rope to my arms and pulled them to the point of breaking and being nearly ripped off from their sockets in my shoulders. Until that moment, I do not know which was worse, if the bones of my hand turning into gelatinous mush, or the hulking mass of flesh and muscle on my arms that now were long and disproportionate to the rest of my shifting body.

"D-Damn !! ... nghhhh !! Please! D-dear God... n-no more! " 

I began to implore any power above, any dark force that was responsible for this to stop this body horror nightmare. Without realizing it, I was now on the floor of my room thrashing about in a frenzy, like some primal beast was unleashed within me. I was afraid that if I would stop moving my arms would explode. Although another concern came to me unexpectedly, a "KNOCK, KNOCK" woke me to some level of self-aware consciousness above my registering the agonizing pain.

“Oh crap!” I blurted out in a raspy hushed voice, “It must be Mikey.” It was indeed my younger brother, Michael, or Mikey for short. Maybe he heard all the commotion I’d made in my room and as any curious boy of his age, wanted to investigate.

"Lyna? What’s going on in there? I heard from mom that you’re sick. And now I hear you rolling about in there...you ok, sis?”

I had no choice but to bite my own tongue and disregard him, whatever it was that was happening to me I don’t want him to see me like this…he had such a weak disposition...always prone to asthmatic attacks you see...poor Mikey always had it rough in school with all the bullies picking on him, thinking he was an easy target. Mom tried her best, but it was not enough. In the end, she had to take him out of school and homeschool him. 

I tried to clear my throat and sound as vaguely disinterested and normal as I could muster,"Ah geez! N-nothing’s wrong Mikey. I’m fine. J-just dropped my project all over floor. I-I’m just cleaning i-it up... ah...everything is-ngghhh!"

Suddenly, another torrent of pain, the same feeling throbbing, pulsing madness in my arms and hands was now leapt down to my feet. 

"Lyna… you don’t sound alright... do you need me to call an ambulance? Is this an emergency?!"

“S-shit!” I hissed in desperation, clutching my abdomen. I really did not want him to come in, I had to tense up and keep the composure as best as possible.

I clenched my teeth together, tasting a slight stream of blood. I would not give in the pain. I forced on a smile, like I did so many times at school and compelled myself to say in a sickly syrupy sweet dull girl way, "Aw, that’s so sweet of you! N-No Mikey...big s-sis is just doing fine... I-I just tripped is all… so argh-eengrrwriuosss…"

I was struggling to project my voice...as I felt the flesh ripple in my throat as my vocal chords were starting to grow taunter and bring my voice done by an octave.

"I'm, just tired. Overworked. G-gonna take a nap now... don’t you dare c-come in, I’m changing right now! When mom comes home, tell her I'm asleep... p-please... don’t bother my beauty sleep...it’ll mess m-my good looks, you know?"

I prayed to any gods above that heard my plea for my little bro to buy it. "Ah, ok then... anyway, let me know if you need anything alright...? Flus are no joke!  I will be in my room playing some games, just text me a message if you need anything?"

Fuck... Mikey sounded very worried, worried about me... it was bad enough to have my mom running around looking for medicines and soup ingredients, stressed and overworked as she was, but for my little bro...who I used to change diapers for...for him to worry about me? God damn it!

"O-ok… I will, thank you Mikey." I pretended to be very touched...although under normal circumstances, maybe I would’ve. 

I kept silent for a few seconds, as I heard his footsteps grow fainter down the hall. The only thing that remained audible in the room was my semi-controlled breathing and the sound of the bones of my feet cracking.

I could not resist anymore, I wanted to scream so loud that all windows from all the houses in the neighborhood could’ve probably gotten shattered...but I restrained myself...barely. I managed with great effort to crawl onto my bed with my precarious “hands-paws” which still felt pain and I grabbed one of the pillows of my bed and I screamed muffled shrieks and hollers of pain and vitriol into it.


I collapsed on the floor near the bed... and I cried uncontrollably, unloading my screams with the pillow while I was using it as a muffler to drown out my screams, until I heard a sound that extinguished my cries. 


Looking at my feet I saw how they grew so much that my socks tore open at the toes revealing bestial paws with three toes, similar to the paw-like shape of my hands only that seemed more "canine", but the changes kept progressing and felt like my legs began to change shape.

I wondered why this was happening to me… Then I closed my eyes and put myself in a fetal position. The pain...the burning heat...I was in hell...and I didn’t have the strength to go on resisting. I wanted to give up there and then...to surrender to the pain and let the changes takeover. As soon as I stopped mental resistance, the pain somewhat abated and even accelerated ever so slightly. 

Looking back it must’ve been because the form I was shifting into...it must’ve had a healing factor that was producing some sort of miraculous internal pain killers. Or maybe, it was the new me emerging out of the shell of my old self...and it was she that was numbing the pain. Even so, I did not dare to open my eyes, until I felt a tingling in the top of my head, using my "hand-paws" I began to touch the sides of my head, "...god... My hands were bigger than my own face!" I thought while looking for the source of the tickling sensation. 

I touched what felt like some hairy "antennae" that were on the sides of my head where my ears were supposed to be, they seemed to be growing and realigning themselves in an upward direction. I did not dare to continue toying with them anymore, so I lowered my gigantic hands and I embraced my new self... It was then that I felt something... when hugging myself, I could feel how the muscles of my arms hadn’t stopped growing. In fact they were hard as a bodybuilder’s but still maintained a rather feminine definition.

I gathered enough courage to open my eyes and saw how my whole body had develop. I then saw that my body had grown some kind of yellow fur coating. Perhaps because of the pain and shock I had not felt it until now, my whole body was covered, except my belly and my chest that where still intact, but I started to feel some type of tickle, or more precisely a chill as the hair began to rise up from my skin, as more fur, this time a white shade of color, began to line all over my torso. Can you imagine it? See in a few passing seconds thousands of tiny white hairs pop out of you like magic out of nowhere. I was now numbed to any new shocking revelation or transformation.

"Wait... fur, claws, dog type legs... Was I bitten by a werewolf or what??? “I thought as I watched how my new white coat grew to the length to match the yellow fur on the rest of my body. It was not painful, but very strange," B-but there's no full moon! It's not even night time! “At that moment my thoughts were interrupted when I felt spasms in my legs, they were not as painful as the arms... they felt "good "so to speak.

I watched curiously as my twins peaks first blossomed, then surged into life. My jaws just dropped in shock and envy...but envy? Why? Wasn’t this my own body...? Regardless, these puppies were huge….HUGE I tell you! 

As this transpired, my poor socks were completely ripped to shreds as my now completed gigantic feet ripped through the cotton material. My pants tried to contain my swelling thighs. I placed my pawed-hand on one of leg, and at the same time as the tickling of my nascent fur, I felt how the flesh under them swelled little by little - "Hmmm... hehe....W-wow... "- it was a very pleasant sensation, bringing a faint blush to my cheeks despite not wanting to stop my… ahem scientific research

I could not avoid stretching my legs wide open in order to better...accommodate myself, which split my pants a bit... of course they now looked like a pair of fitting- short-shorts fashionably torn off on the edges of each pants leg. Once my pants conformed to my new shapeliness, I could contemplate the length and shape of my lower extremities. I now had legs for days...built so fine I was probably worthy of being a top supermodel except for my feet and hands, which now looked like paws with three thick fingers with dark claws on the tips and part of my legs that were arched similar to members of the canine species... 

Up till now, I did not know what the hell was happening to me. This was supposed to be some kind of body horror nightmare, induced by too many tacos perhaps? But to watch this now... somehow, I was transfixed as if I could not look away... it felt so good...these changes. 

Using my bed as support, I had one of my claws on it to balance myself, I was surprised at how much my body had grown. Normally I am a girl of average height, about 5.7 feet tall. The truth is that I stopped growing when I turned 17. But now my head was just above the top of my bedroom door, more or less about 6.4 feet tall. Due to my new balance of my lower body, I lost my balance as soon as I tried to stand upright without clutching onto my bed for support. When I took a few steps I almost immediately fell flat on my face, “Fucking Hell!” I cussed explicitly as I felt myself I bite my own tongue on landing. 

But a few seconds later, the changes came back and this time with more force, as if the person in charge of all this had just shifted into high gear on transmission and hit the gas at full throttle. My whole body suffered spasms and could not move, but this wasn’t painful...far from it, this was strangely nice, I felt like the back muscles popped out and grow rapidly. This put even further strain on my already miserable shirt – stretching it right beyond its limits. Not to mention, that I could feel my thighs had begun to grow again, developing even more muscle mass. The spasms fell from my back and rose from my thighs concentrating on my buttocks, hips and the base of my back. Instead of screaming or complaining about the pain, I started to make some naughty moans… ehh… yeah.

I was panting and drooling at the same time feeling as my hips expanded, along with my ass. What was left of my pants could not contain that growth any longer and they tore asunder. Revealing my feminine assets to the open air. Just then, something came jutting out from the base of my spine. Whatever it was, this something was moving wildly, thrashing to and fro behind me. Looking back I saw a huge tail of yellow fur with a white tip, it looked like the tail of a fox, but much larger. Looking towards the base of the tail, I noticed how my buttocks had grown so much that they looked like perfectly round and sexy mountains, I could not help but give myself a firm slap on the buttcheek with one of my claws. “Oh God!” I moaned in a surprisingly deeper voice than my normal one. For a moment this caught me off guard. But I was soon distracted by other treats

... I must say, that I was very exciting during the process. I was never this dirty as my normal self. Feeling all those urges and thoughts...felt really liberating. Some lewd Thoughts crossed my mind, and I immediately wanted to tear off my poor pantyhose that now looked like some tiny pathetic thongs. They would’ve easily been torn to ribbons by my sharp new claws. And I...yes, I admit it ok!  I wanted to use my huge fingers to give myself pleasure while the changes continued advancing through my increasingly wild and hot body!

I was so certain of it at the time that I’d have experienced the hottest, steamiest...the wildest and strongest orgasm of my life.  ...To tell you the truth, I was about to do that, but out of nowhere I felt the wind blown out of me. Like someone had slammed a whole bag of bricks right into the middle of my gut, which made me roll on the floor and prone on my back. I continued to stare at my stomach and saw how my whole abdomen began to flatten, like if something was burning all the fat in it, then a powerful spasm in the upper part below the chest, I tried to sit up to see what was happening but I was hit by yet another powerful spasm, it turns out that all my abdominal wall of muscles was developing an impressive six pack of abs. With each spasm was developing a set of these down to the lower area of my belly.

I uttered the loudest moan of my life when the last set of abs finished forming, arching my hips up, I grabbed the ground with my claws while they were piercing through floor of my room. And with one last spasm that hit my hips and buttocks, I felt them blow up growing so much that that my underwear burst unable to contain those curves, leaving my feminine mystique exposed, although these were covered by a cape of white fur, so it would not have mattered much to be naked with this much fur.

At this point I left the changes take even more control, I did not care about anything as I was lost in a spell of ecstasy. Every change and spasm felt ever more pleasant, and I had completely forgotten that I had to keep silent so as not attract the attention of Mikey, whose room was right next door. I could not think clearly, I felt as if my mind had been blown out of my brains. But I could still feel the changes with great detail. Yet I did not know that the best part was still to come... 

Soon the spasms were concentrated in the upper torso chest area, specifically in my breasts. I felt them, as they started to grow in an extreme ballooning sensation I could feel them pushing the fabrics of my now frail and pathetic excuse for a shirt, I could see how my nipples got hard while they pressed against the shirt. With each beat of my heart until my shirt could not take it anymore, giving way to my burgeoning boobs and shredding the remnants of my shirt and bra in an instant. This caused me to moan in a fit of hysteria as I then grabbed my breasts with my claws, I could still feel how they kept growing in my palms, as my nipples were hard and erect. 

Each change was like having a mental orgasm, I practically could not control my actions while I was like this. Suddenly I felt a crunch on my back which forced me to roll on the floor putting myself upside down, I felt as if something was growing on my back... But I also began to feel how my face began to stretch forward, in addition my mind started to feel... strange, I felt as if another me was coming to the forefront...beginning to move as I move, to feel as I feel...and that I was just a shadow imitating their form, thought and movement. I was there, being forcibly pushed by the other me out of my own body... I grabbed the ground with my claws tightening my muscles resisting these last changes. 

I do not know why, but I felt that if I let myself go, I would lose myself forever. The thought terrified me more than what this alien transformation had done to my body. I was using all my strength to cling to this world...to fight for my right to exist!

"N-no ... nnghhh ... noo ... grrrwww ... .. graahhh ... "

I could feel my teeth becoming sharper as I squeezed them, I began to drool and my voice was distorted, it sounded more ... mature, but it had a “growling” serious touch. Suddenly some kind of hairy barbs emerged from the top of my back, and at the same time my face end of lengthening adopting a canine form, I began to growl and to emit roars that would make a lion wet on top.

After that ... I do not remember very well what happened to me ... I know I managed to resist this invading force that was occupying my mind, but ... I no longer felt like myself ... I had a jumble of ideas, thoughts and memories that I had never had before, all the room had went silent, all I heard was my deep breathing, I did not feel any more spasms or anything else. I incorporated completely, and to my surprise, I did not fall or lose the balance this time, it was as if I had somehow become accustomed to my new center of gravity, I saw nothing, I had my eyes closed, but despite having them closed I was completely aware of my surroundings, I could feel everything, it was like having some sort of sonar inside my head, my new ears moved at any small sound, my nose that was now like a canine being could smell any scent ... I could even smell the meat stew that my mom had left in the kitchen getting cold. 


I licked my lips with my tongue and my sharp teeth, it was as if I could taste that stew from here, then and out of nowhere some of purple covers materialized, they covered my arms to the elbows, followed by some marks of the same color that my new sleeves formed on my voluptuous thighs, and finally, under my eyes there were some small marks of the same purple color, it was as if this will announce the culmination of my bizarre transformation, and immediately, I opened my eyes ... It was already at night, and my room was very dark, but for me it was not a problem, because I could see perfectly well, I notice the mirror that I had in my room. Fourth, I could see a huge creature with bright blue eyes looking directly into the mirror, like a predator stalking its prey in the night, I began to take my first steps, although in doing so, my head hit the ceiling. 


I made a very annoying growl after that blow, so I had to walk in a "humpbacked" way while I was in the room until I managed to get closer to the mirror ... admiring what I had become, in front of me, there was an anthropomorphic beast of 2 , 50 meters high, as I remember that when we moved to this house about 3 years ago, my mom told us that the rooms had a height of 2.40 meters from floor to ceiling, although I did not pay much attention to that , my attention was focused on the changes of my body. I had become a kind of muscular, athletic creature and ... I must admit very sexy, each raven, each muscle were perfectly defined, had hips, an ass and breasts that would leave a super model, or the entire team of cheerleaders of the institute in absolute shame, something that would be very difficult since the very loud had parents with a lot of money so the vast majority had gone through surgeries, giving prestigious bodies, pity that almost all had a shitty attitude.

"Hehehehe ..."

I laughed in a malicious way ... I wanted to go to their houses and surprise them with this new body, grab them with my superior strength and subdue them while crushing them with my huge and voluptuous breasts that ... for human standards were huge, but they were not exaggerated in comparison to my body they had a suitable size, I could see how my nipples protruded a little from the fur on my chest, giving them a provocative look, thanks to the muscles of my back, these babies had a good support making them firm, above these, I had the whole top area of my chest and neck covered with a dense white fur, like a mane, someone could have a very good nap with these hooves ... how I wanted to crack and destroy their uniforms with my claws and roar in their faces and see how they pissed On top of the fear ... especially Jenny… that bitch ... who always made fun of normal girls like me ... the simple act of thinking on that pretentious blonde whore with rubber tits ... and her ... unbearable laughter made my blood boil ... I uttered a serious growl of anger ... although I calmed down when I realized another new aspect of my body...

My muscles, I probably had the physique that every bodybuilder girl would kill to have, god! I think I would be able to face all the high school football team at the same time and I could subdue them without sweating ... or subdue any boy that I wanted ... the mere fact of thinking that I could have whoever I want excited me, I caressed myself with lust ... but ... something did not feel right ... this ... it was not me ... but ... at the same time it was...

I kept silent for a moment ... who was I? Or what was I...? Who was that girl ... Lyna? What was this place...? What was my purpose...? I remember ... a world ... a plain ... fights ... many combats against creatures of different shapes and sizes ... I remember how I defeated them with my strength and skill in those battles ... how good it felt to defeat those creatures and absorb their data… their scent… to make me stronger ... yes ... that's how I got this body thanks to all those fights I had against all those Digimons...

"Digi… mon…"

That name ... that was me ... a Digimon ... in that instant a torrent of knowledge was downloaded into my brain, concepts that were unknown to me, places I had never been before but felt I had visited, an infinity source of names of several creatures, several Digimons ... names ... my name ...

"Rena ... mon ..."

That was my name ... I stayed a moment watching my right hand, admiring how big it was, how sharp and strong my claws were, they could cut steel like butter, or grab someone's head and destroy it very easily. Not only my hands, my legs, long, strong and powerful, perfect to run and give tremendous jumps and give incredible kicks, my arms, strong and well defined in conjunction with the muscles of my back, I could lift a car and throw it with as easily as if it were a toy. Also my abdominal section, covered by a shield of sixth well defined abs, even hidden by a nice cape of comfy fur, these could pulverize someone’s fist… it if someone dared to hit me over there.

This body ... was designed for one thing, to fight, I had a burning desire to face opponents like me, or stronger than me, defeat them and absorb their data to grow ... to become bigger and stronger ... that desire was the only thing I had in my mind ... it was the only thing for which I had come here, to this strange world…

"Mrrwww ..?"

My ears got up feeling something ... I do not know what it was, but I could feel a presence in the distance ... another being like me ... I do not know why, but I felt the need to face that other creature, I wanted to fight against something or someone, measure my strength against this other Digimon, I took off my attention from the mirror and walked to the window of my room, I could hear the floor creaking due to my weight, but I paid no attention to that, my only concern now was to find that other being and hunt it down, I opened the window and without thinking much, I jumped from the second floor of the house landing in the middle of the street, now that I was out of that insignificant room, I had more freedom to move, using my powerful legs , I took a huge leap into the air reaching the roof of the front house, in a blink of an eye had jumped to the roof of a 3-story house ... but for some reason ... all this felt so natural to me, as if I had already did This before millions of times in another place ... in another world ... in the Digiworld ...

I shook my head away those thoughts from my mind, I was focused on one thing, and only one ... hunting, jumping from roof to roof. I disappeared in the middle of the night looking for my prey, Lyna Willians no longer existed, instead a new creature came to this world, and was ready to show its strength to anyone who crossed her path, the simple fact of feeling the presence of another being like her in this city was an insult, an insult that would not be tolerate...



Hoi!! ouo well... first time that i actually writted a story, well, lets say that i recieved alot of help from these awesome dudes! <a href="https://www.deviantart.com/cymbyses" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.deviantart.com/cymbyses</a> and <a href="https://www.deviantart.com/faky3ah" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.deviantart.com/faky3ah</a> i wasnt very sure to post this on my patreon, since this place is mainly focuz for pics, imagines and art stuff, not for stories, plus this was more like a "one shot" thing that started as conversation with Faky who was a former mofo here on patreon, later on cymbases who is a super mofo help us out with the edition and stuff, i am not very sure if i would be able to post this on DA since this might content stuff that they dont like &gt;.&gt;; but anyways, enjoy! ouo