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Uffffffff..... well... that was a very particular and not expected way to end the year, i mean... i was calm in my room working on a Patreon Reward, and suddenly i recieved a call from my dad and BOOM! my balls falled to my ankles... hmmmm... Dead was very busy on 2018 reminding us that she is VERY CLOSE, i mean... famous people has died and also people that are unknown but not less important has die, is a reminder that we have our days counted, so... you better take the time that you have and do something with it, cuz... life is way to damn short and some of us are very young so... so dont waste that precious time, just... find something that you feel passion about and stay FREAKING focuz on it, it's very hard to keep focuz nowadays. 

Anyways, i really hope that you guys haved a nice end of the year, enjoying with family and friends, or alone like myself xD well...with my mom and sister that is.

I really appretiated all the support comments tthat you guys has send to me in the previous journal, it really cheer me up during those hard days

2018 was full of surprises, success, challenges, setbacks, desapointments, sadness and happyness, it was like a rollercoaster more or less and i learned alot of things from it as well.

So, what are my plans for 2019?

Well... i have to finish all the pending work with my commissions, after that, maybe, i will open commissions again if i am in need of money, and that seems to be the most possible case, since with the dead of my grandfather i end up with not much money left, i really needed to give some money for pay the funeral and such, not like i am going to die of starvation or anything like! ^^; luckily patreon is sustaining me well for the moment, sure... some people might say that 50$ per month is nothing, but at least it's something right??

Besides of the commissions, i will expand more further my art and make other accounts in several websites where i could publish my own drawings and see if i can get more patroners from other platforms, plus one of my friends is giving some tips for improve my patreons in order to make it more efficient, since... i am kind of desorganized right now -w-;;; plus i will see if i can do more pledges, a special Discord channel for my patroners, re-open my Ko-fi account for those who just want to give me a friendly tip ^^, plus i am seeing how Gumroad works, maybe i can earn some profit over there.

Are you planning to do more comics this year?

Yep! i am finishing some kind of "pilot comic" where are my OCs doing something badass, is not much to be honest, just a shit ton of actions, sexy ladies, badass manly dudes and a bunch of explotions! ouo sounds silly... i know -u-;

Also, one of my other friends, is making a script involving her characters and my characters in a very badass comics, though, it would have some NSFW content... so i don't know it would be suited for DA -w-;

Plus, i have 3 ideas for make a TF comic, though i will be giving those ideas to my patroners and they will choose which one would go first, they are full NSFW content based so... not for DA -w-;; 

The point is that..... i think that i have level up my skills well enought for start to make something big like a comic, plus is a good way to introduce my OCs, so people can relate with them, and also that can give me more motivation to draw them, cuz.... being very frank with you guys... the commissions eats time, effort and motivation >->;

Well... i think thats all... ummm... yah... -3-;


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