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And........ June has died -w- 

Ufffff..... but it was a very good month, full of a bunch of pics! ^^ i manage to at least finish a bunch of commissions that i haved behind the schedule, but sadly, i wasnt able to do much about the monthlly rewards here on Patreon, which..... it kind of sucks... BUT! on this week i will working on some Refs for my characters and also some Summer Time pics about them! ^^ ahhhhhh...... the summer... the perfect excuse for draw sexy ladies in very revealing bikkinis againts their will ouo

The characters that i will be working will be Jaze the cyborg Kittyness, Roxy the dragoness and Nevas the succubus, besides of the refs and the summer pics, i will see what other pics i can do about them -w-

Those pics will have alternative versions so it will be the month rewards, i really want to focuz first on the OCs that i have so far and give them some story too, cuz i feel that i am abandoning them -w-;;  But i know that i am still in debt with the Patreon Waifus, i still need to do pics of Rouge and Renamon, so be patience, well..... that should end up everything involving about Patreon.

About the commissions, i must say that i am now even more load up than the previous month, mostlly because now i have costumers on FA, sure this...... gives more weight over my shoulders, but at the same time helps me out with the money.

On DA things are like this:

I manage to finish Sephy's extra pics related to Naomi Summer A.K.A Hot Girl, which where 6 in total, but! that doesnt mean that things are over for him, now i have to work on a TF comic about one of his main OCs, Helen Hyde, ufffff..... it will be a challenge -w-;;

After that, i have to focuz on Thunderstart01, i still have 5 pics with him, but in this month i manage to make a pic that he commissioned me as a gift for one of his friends ^^

Then we have Toni987 which is one of my Mofos -w- he requested a pic of one of my OCs with one of his OCs, and also another badass pic involving another one of my OCs with one of his... those ones will be tricky to pull off.

Coming up we have Toph, who is also another of my Mofos, well.... a high rank one that is XD he requested a LV.2 color commission of another of his WOW OCs -3-

And lastly but not least, we have Assaultcat who has still one commission on hold, wich is another set of pics about tentacles -w-; we where planning to skip that for the moment, but i feel bad on not finishing her current commission, so i have to finish it! -w-

So far, the list goes like this:

1) Sephzero: A TF comic, the first page is done.

2) Thunderstar01: 3 LV.1 pics + 2 sketches.

3) Toph: 1 LV.2 color pic.

4) Toni987: 1 LV.1 color and 1 LV.2 color pic.

5) Assaultcat: A full set of sequence pics involving plants and flowers -3-

On FA, things are like this:

We have Deiser who have commissioned me a TF comic as well, plus 3 extra pics about a male character that is being possesed by some sort of Pokemon spirit turning him into a big freaking super sexy female ... ehhh... shit.. i forgot the name, anyways, the thing is that it envolves TG thats all what matters!! owo

And lastly we have ethylalkohol who has requested a LV.2 color pic of one his OCs facing a xenomorph infestation -w-

So far the FA list goes like this:

1) Deiser: 3 pics + a comic (now i remenber the name, is Salazzle -w-)

2) ethylalkohol: 1 LV.2 color pic with background.

On the patreon side, this month has been very good! ^^ we have a new Patroner who is Toph, a super mofo patroner! owo which this increase the monthlly payment up to 14$ per month... well.... is not much i know... but i really have high hopes that we can reach the 25$ per month ^^ i just need to more patroners >w>;;

Well..... thats all that i have in this month it will be a very busy month, so its better to start to work on it right now! XD

i want to give my thanks to:

My Super Mofos:

Toph and Andrew Medina

My Mofos:

Toni, Ovidious Naso, Dracula and Marcin ^^

Thats all for now folks, Deiviz out!


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