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  • I usually don't make big posts but here I go..

    Yesterday I decided to spend a big chunk of my own money savings that's basically barely 3 months of works pure income 1100 euro. and bought a 3060 TI 8 GB GPU and a Ryzen 5950X CPU, I did that to improve the workflow and lag less and animate faster in Blender. ( maybe even switch to Cycles instead of eevee )

    Those will be replacing my old GPU and CPU that was the RX 570 8 GB and the 2700 Ryzen.

    I will finally have an nvidia gpu that works better with Blender and it's literally at least x2 faster, and the CPU i got has 16 cores and i heard it's quite a beast, those should be a big boost in performance considering i spend lot of time in blender trying to optimize the scene in order to have plenty of fps to animate comfortably.

    I'm trying my best out there.. and as y'all seeing above I'm at the range of 80-120 patrons monthly... that's not much is it, and i been doing this for 2 years i think if not more. I haven't missed or delayed posts ever, every month I always post something.

    Aside all that I still want thank each one of you for helping me do this cuz id still rather do this than any other job out there.. so thank you for giving me the opportunity to do what I like to do even if i'm not quite there yet to do this full-time.

    It's not exactly easy as it looks when u see the end-result.. animating is all about learning stuff along the way... lengthy YouTube tutorials, asking questions in discords n forums to find solutions, trying to optimize the scene or adjusting physics or rendering can take up to 2-3 hours even for small 10 sec clips and I basically cant use my computer at all during those times so I just use my phone to spend the time so i don't look at the ceiling

    It's lot of headache and time consuming, sometimes it makes me wanna stay in bed and never get up lol.

  • Then there's the social media and advertising stuff which I still need to do by myself after animating and rendering the clips, you gotta promote them so I gotta spend time loggin on twitter make posts,tags and other sites like deviant-art, discord reddit mega and here and so on, and with a super slow connection when i upload vids can be quite annoying and lengthy.

    Anyways so this month I will be posting a clip with Quiet from MGS.. as you can see in the screenshots I don't know if I will be posting the last screenshot here tho or only to my new Vanilla only Patron I gotta build that thing up somehow i only got 1 patron there lol.
    I'm also starting a GROWTH animation again commission, so If I happen to finish that I will prioritize posting that first.

  • If money isn't an issue to you and you wanna support my other new Patron also where i will be posting non gts stuff and mostly vanilla It's 




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