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This mod will be released after 3 months of Early Access.

(You can access it as soon as you become a sponsor)

Two headmods were created this week.

One headmod will be posted in the sponsor tier and

BIG will post both + character cards.

These headmods will be published after period of time.

Anzu_head is provided to the sponsoring tier and

Anzu_head, Kaede_head and Kaede_dress are offered to the BIG tier.


**List of additional data


This mod is an update file of a previous mod.

Please remove the past Anzu_head and install.

Fixed a problem that caused facial expressions to freeze in some timeline scenes.


This is a newly created mod.


This mod is an update file of a previous mod.

Please remove the past mod and install.

Slightly modified the behavior of hair accessories.


How to apply splash to hair accessories


If you become a BIG sponsor, you can also get character cards.



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