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  • duke mei.mp4



So this one made the rounds pretty hard... like, two months ago, and I got a lot of requests to do it. I was kinda halfway not sure if I wanted to, I mean on one hand fuck it why not it's just memes who cares - I did always want to do more entries in the series of "Duke going 'I Have Never Played X In My Life'"... But on the other hand I was like... Isn't "being over" Overwatch... outdated? Like is that a joke anybody still has interest in? Well I guess so.


The other part of it was the format is actually a little different than how I usually like to do these - normally the line is "I Have Never Played X In My Life" and it's a different picture of Duke I use for it actually. I figured I COULD change those things, but it'd be weird for everyone who asked me to do this one, to see me go "off model" of what was actually requested. Plus, I think "I have NEVER played Overwatch" isn't really that relatable of true for most people who would watch this, certainly not myself, but simply not playing it NOW definitely is. Anyway, ultimately I kinda just didn't get around to it and thought nothing more of it - in The Pile anyway to possibly do eventually of course.

Now, like two days ago, it makes the rounds hard again, and I get a bunch of folks telling me to do it. Well shoot, alright, if the demand is THIS high, why not, I do think it's kinda funny, I try not to overthink shitposting too much. Though on this one, I actually went through a few things for it. One was, in order to get a couple of the Mei pics, I actually booted up Overwatch. While I was there I played a couple of rounds for old time's sake, thereby making me a liar in doing this shitpost.


Really the biggest question I hit was I knew I wanted some kind of "sexy sound" for the Mei heads appearing. I originally figured what would make the most sense is to just pull some of Mei's effort voice files (you might know how a lot of VO for pain and attacks and stuff can be interpreted as sexual), but I had a couple problems with this. One, traditionally, I don't use VO in my shitposts which wasn't voiced by either myself or someone I collaborated with to record it, so I figured a lot of the comments would be like "Wow Gianni did a great job voicing Mei", which would lead to "Should have actually voiced Mei coward". I thought about voicing Mei, but then it felt a little too "off model" from the original intent of the meme - then the new main joke would be me doing a girl voice, rather than just general horny gamer BS.

The other problem was, I honestly felt a little uncomfortable pulling the original VA's voice files and using them in this sexual way. I know, it's pretty commonplace for Overwatch assets, heheh, trust me, I've seen it myself... But to actually do it personally, I dunno, I was like, gosh, what if this meme actually makes its way around to her seeing it? Won't that make her uncomfortable? I guess a lot of the BS I do with a lot of characters would make the original VAs uncomfortable, but actually pulling THEIR audio feels like some kind of line I don't want to cross, at least not like this. I'd rather put my own ass on the line. Then I came up with just doing sexy Duke groans, and when I slotted it in, it made me laugh, and for my silly shitposts, I try to treat that as the ultimate decision making guideline.

Thankfully, none of this matters, it's just a meme, and it's not that deep. Now if you'll excuse me I have to go frag out for multiple hours on end, over on my Twitch channel. twitch.tv/GetGianni



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