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Hey... Hey... Did you see the new Smileybomb plush? Alright. Alright... Before you buy it... Check this out...

So the folks at Makeship saw I had a Patreon and provided me with a special discount code. As you might know, a while back I stopped doing any exclusive rewards at all on the Patreon, but I thought this might be a nice and harmless gesture to give you SOME kind of surprise lil bonus reward for all the kind support you've shown me.

I figure well - first of all - if you're a Patron, thank you, and you don't need to buy the plushie or do a damn thing, the support you already give me is deeply appreciated. But, I also figure well, if you're enough of a fan to be on the Patreon, there's a good chance you're gonna be buying the plushie. So it made sense to me to slide you this code as some kind of cute little bonus. That's my real intent with posting the code here, it's not so much to try to sell Smileybomb to the Patrons, but rather to just reward those who are gonna do it anyway.

Here's the code, I thiiink it's 10% off:

I ask, as a favor, just keep it between us all here. I really like the idea of this being a special little bonus just for the people who are on the Patreon.

Whether or not you get one, thank you so much for enjoying my work, and for all your continued support.



D List voice actor and glorified meme reposter Gianni Matragrano has made a name for himself by demonstrating his shamelessness time and time again. But with the bottom of the barrel closer than ever, now he's after a new claim to fame - putting a bomb in your house.For more amazing Gianni Matragrano content, Click Here!



its mine