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  • peepee boy.mp4



A bit ago I stopped doing these as a """content creator"""" and really just when I felt like it, when one amused me, when a lot of people really wanted me to do a specific idea and I liked it, that kind of thing. And so a lot of the high priority/highly requested stuff is always known characters like Duke, Columbo, Armstrong, etc.

But the ones like this where it's just a random critter or maybe even voices without any kind of visual representation of them were genuinely always some of my favorite ones to do, so I didn't want me not doing these seriously anymore to mean that I stopped doing ones like this where it's just random bullshit. I didn't want the """"retirement"""" to mean that I now just only do the impression videos if I do a video, I love these as much if not more than the impression videos honestly.

So this one got suggested today and I REALLY wanted to voice it, I thought maybe I already had, or maybe Luke had, but I couldn't find anything, so I said fuck it and threw it in with today's work because I had the extra minute for it. I still think MOST of my video output these days will end up being impression stuff, but I'm really happy to put this out because it's the first non-impression video in a few months.





Laughed so hard it shook something loose in my lungs that was stuck for a day


Already saw the vid on twitter, but seeing "New From Gianni: PEEPEE BOY" in my inbox next to like Jimmy John's receipts and my apartment telling me work orders are gonna be delayed fucking destroyed me.