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  • columbo drip.mp4



Heh, sorry, I actually meant to have a new video out like a couple weeks ago but man, I tell you, it's a good thing I stopped that daily schedule because now even without the daily video I'm apparently *still* plenty busy enough. I think I stopped right in perfect timing. Nothing going wrong of course, just a lot of stuff I've been working on and some stuff I've been finally able to start catching up with. All is well.

Even though I'm kinda not really focusing on making shitposts anymore, I still will do them from time to time, because I love them - I already told you that when I made the announcement I was stopping. But what I've said on my streams a few times now and should say here is this: Columbo is very high priority. I regard my work with Columbo as a form of public service almost, the world needs Columbo, and I understand my place in His (Columbo's) grand design.

I mean, I love and will do stuff with the other characters too (and sometimes just random memes with no specific character, same as before), but I just want you to know that with Columbo specifically, I know how important it is. I mean, Romania had to prevent rioting when the show stopped over there, so I'd had to be responsible for that happening again. He's very high billing in my priority list, rest assured.




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