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  • gman no consequences.mp4



You know, I wasn't sure if I was going to do anything with the "NO BITCHES?" meme, I just didn't really see anything in particular which I really wanted to voice or had any ideas for on making a video or anything. Don't get me wrong,  I love the meme, I just never really resonated with anything that came to me for a video, it just didn't really come together. Until now. I saw this one by good ol Averie and loved how fucking horrible it truly was. Felt like it was finally time.

I thought maybe by the time one worked for me, the meme would be too far past, but honestly I think "NO BITCHES?" is going to have a place for quite a bit, maybe not forever, but I think with how many great variants there have been, it's cementing some sort of place online. Like those redraws of Last of Us scenes. Those are "out" but still kinda amusing if you see them around to the point where folks will still whip them out once in a while. I think this one will probably be kinda like that. Or maybe not, but if nothing else I still think it's still amusing enough now to post it today, and that's good enough for me.




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