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  • just start arguing.mp4



I'll admit, this is definitely one of the most "normie" ones I've probably ever approached, it's got very like, your dad posted it on Facebook energy, but man, I have seen it around and I just really liked it, genuinely amuses me, maybe I'm getting old. But it was in my head in this way and so of course I had to make it a video. I thought about not having the ending with the fighting sounds and blood and stuff so it's even more of a "fuck it" just a prompt kind of thing, but I liked the addition enough to keep it in, made it feel more complete.

Thought about being cheeky and disabling comments of every post with this, but I think some of the platforms I post on wouldn't let me do that, and also, I worry that by disabling comments, someone in the future will watch the video and see the comments are disabled and think "Wow this must have actually gotten pretty bad" rather than it being a fun little part of the joke or something. And also, I think part of the fun with this kind of post is that it is a prompt, so it'll have a bunch of folks arguing about completely random dumb shit they felt like goofing off about or made up, so I'd hate to take away that entire element on the gamble that it'll be funny to see the comments aren't even enabled.



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