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I know I've been saying this a lot lately, but it feels like it's been forever since we've done something with G-Man. Well, he's back, and saucier than ever. I feel like it's almost universally a bad idea to do two videos in one like this - to have this video that is this concise shitpost, and then have it devolve into whatever my own dumb bullshit is. But in this case, I felt like the extra shit was just too excellently stupid to deny the world, I felt like it really had to be posted on main but couldn't have stood as its own video, so I did the only choice I had and just rolled it into this same video. I tried to at least create a firm cut in between, that way, people who only want one or the other for whatever reason, they will have an easy time editing it into whichever they want. ๐Ÿ




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