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  • updating software.mp4



This one came to me aaaages ago, probably like at least a year at this point, just floated around The Pile for a bit. Well, its time has come. I was thinking of probably voicing him in the silly way I've voiced trollface in the past (like in Troll Rapture), but ended up deciding against it because I just felt like since his only line is yelling this one freaked out sentence, it wouldn't be clear too clear that he really had a special goofy voice and the end result would just be lowering the impact of his delivery (or figuring it out would distract the viewer from the rest of the short video).

Okay so like, these programs don't make you re-accept the ToS every time you update I think but. They fuckin. They still update too damn often. I think Steam does it just to get people to have to relaunch the client so they'll have that News popup if they haven't disabled it (which I bet most users haven't since it's on by default). And as for Discord, idk what their deal is, but they've been fucky lately, I'm already betting to have to switch to Steam as a messaging service lmao. BUT THERE'S A BUNCH OF OTHER ONES, IT'S LIKE COME ON, CAN'T I JUST USE MY COMPUTER TODAY, DAMN YOU PROGRAMS LET ME LIVE



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