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  • raccoon void.mp4



A lot of raccoon post requests lately. Well, people are right. Raccoons are great. You know what else is great? Serious Sam 2. I was talking the dev on Onirism and about one track in particular in that game inspired by this track in Serious Sam 2, and thought of it when making this post and felt like it was actually a really great fit. Onirism in general takes a lot of inspiration from Serious Sam 2 for sure. Onirism is a very cool game, I'm currently obsessed with it. I might end up doing Onirismposting even though like three people would get it, but you know how I am - it's gotta be a post I really do like and think some folks would get a kick out of, perhaps even if they didn't know the source material. I don't foresee anything coming up honestly but you know, I do hope so.




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