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  • nice opinion.mp4



I'm pretty pleased with this one overall, I think I'm like, satisfied *enough* about the voice itself for this guy, part of me still wonders if I should have made it a little more creature-ish but I feel like that would defeat too much of the purpose of this image, I think I like the direction I went with but I dunno, it doesn't feel *completely* right either. Then again perhaps this guy just shouldn't be voiced, I dunno. But, I'm still *MOSTLY* happy with how it sounds, I think it fits well enough. Then as for the effect of it sounding like he's coming into your house IRL, I worked for a bit on that and I think where I ended up with it is pretty satisfactory, I think it gets the idea across. Obviously I thought about doing more creepy stuff or a horror build or jumpscare or something but I felt like it would've defeated the nature of the image. I think it should feel unsettling, a little too personal, not jumpscarey. So, I think I hit my goals at least as well as I can! That's always a win.



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