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  • poison plugs.mp4



I think this one sucks, and honestly I couldn't figure out how to make it not suck, but I still wanted to do it because I liked the gag itself so I ran with it. But once again, there have been too many good ones lately. Too much quality. Once again I must trim the hedges and post something that's genuinely not good so as to lower the bar. These are supposed to be shitposts, and I can't have people expecting this to be a place where good things are made.

I do kinda like ones like this though, where there isn't really a BIG punchline or twist that feels like the main focal point of the video, and rather just the whole thing is a more casual little stupid or crazy thing. I dunno how to describe it but there is a casualness here which I do like. I saw a comment a while back which said something like "it's nice to have ones that don't have a huge twist" and I agree with that, variety is good, and I try to mix it up on the rhythm of my videos. So in a way, I do still love this one, because it's got a weird pacing (that kinda sucks) and doesn't really go anywhere. It's not bringing you on a dramatic journey to a wild reveal. I mean there's a bit of a punchline for the double male plug (for those who know it), but mostly it's just telling you something stupid and ending. I like that variety.

Did you know that double male extension cords are called "Suicide Cords"? If you don't know about it, there's a lot of pretty funny stuff online about them. Basically, never use them, you don't need one, and if you do have a niche problem where you do need one, figure out a different solution so that you don't need one.




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