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  • jigsaw quotes 2.mp4



Well, after a decent amount of demand, I finally got around to doing a sequel. I thought about changing the SFX settings I had from the first time around and making it sound more like it was coming from a radio, but to be honest, I am really happy with the way it sounds already even if it's not fully accurate, and I felt like the "coming from a speaker" sound would make the audio even LESS clear in what's being said, and also be a gimmick that wasn't as pleasant to listen to as just the core voice changing effect.

Actually, in the base mix, there *is* a bit of speakery distortion, but it's pretty subtle and difficult to hear even with studio headphones, but it brings something that sounds good like, subconsciously. I dunno, I still like it even though last time people criticized the accuracy. But overall, people liked it last time, so I didn't wanna mix it up too much with stuff I myself wasn't as sure about.

It's time for your Patreon pledge to pay off, because this time I actually recorded WAY more than what was in the video. I thought about doing them all but really don't like going over 2:20 and then having to break it up to post it on Twitter, and also, it's just a lot more work for extremely diminishing returns. Hell once I go over a minute viewership typically plummets, which is fine, but to be honest I do try to keep this stuff under a minute because usually I just like the videos more when they have brevity and also to try to keep the per-shitpost workload relatively light.

This will be another one of those times where I worked too hard on something that people probably won't actually love *that* much, but a lot of the posts since last time are pretty lengthy, so if I were to keep it under a minute, it would've been like three quotes and then the video ended, which felt lame. And also, I personally really did want to feature all the ones I recorded and DEFINITELY all the ones that made it into the vid. So there's a bit of compromise at least, and I kept it under 2:20 instead.

'Tis the season, after all. For compromise. Wait, no. I mean for spooky. It's the spooky season.





Saw is my favourite slasher series and I wrote projects at Uni on slashers. So when I say the words "Gianni has kept the patreons fed and flourishing from the content" today I mean it. Unfortunately the food is full of tiny hypodermic needles. Damnit Kramer