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I went to see about ordering this fucking thing. You know what it's called? The Crazy Calzony. I gotta say. They're right. It is pretty crazy. Anyway I went to see about ordering this fuckin pizza shuriken but I couldn't find it on the Little Caesars menu, at least on DoorDash. Or at least, I couldn't find it before my wife saw what I was doing and took my phone away from me. That's the problem with Canada. These pussies don't get a lot of the batshit insane heartstopper menu items that you see down south. The Burger King up here mostly serves normal food. It's like what the fuck? Where's my freakish Longburger? I dunno. Just one of those little things I guess you could say I miss about back home. Definitely for the best I don't have it up here though. Absolutely.

Actually I'm surprised Little Caesars exists up here at all come to think of it. There's a place called Pizza Pizza, which some of you might know is the Little Caesars slogan. There was like a whole lawsuit thing about it or something. But I actually never knew that Little Caesars also operated up here. Not until the pizza crucifix.

My ancestors just put a curse on me. Just felt it. Definitely. Definitely, that's a curse. Heh.




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