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  • this is america.mp4



Saw this one floating around and knew I had to do it. I was torn a bit on what music to use. We came this close to something from the Metal Wolf Chaos soundtrack. But, I felt like the FoF theme matched the energy I was looking for here way better. I'm sure another time in the future, it will be time for the Metal Wolf Chaos soundtrack. Always, eventually, it is time for Metal Wolf Chaos.

Couldn't track down a reliable enough source for where this image came from. A while back I said I was going to start just linking *something* so at least it would be clear I didn't make it, but to be honest a lot of people don't check the description anyway and I think it might actually be harmful to put out word of somewhere as an official source when it's not the actual origin.

Many images are kinda just floating around online, it's a part of the strange magic of the net, a lot of stuff comes from 4chan anonymously in the first place. I see a lot of other creators who do what I do also tend to omit trying to credit a source on a lot of this weird stuff. It seems like most folks don't worry too much about it on random meme stuff like this, but of course I would rather credit where images/jokes come from. I sure as hell don't want the credit for writing it, that'd be wrong.

Like obviously I'll always look for a source, and if I can point to one pretty confidently as being where the image probably came from, then I'll go with that. But a lot of the time I'll find a major post that did big numbers, and then find random iFunny links with like three likes which have the image but predate the "major" post by like a year, and then other random meme websites predating those, a couple instances of the image on Pinterest - it's always a mess. I'll do what research I can.

I never really have anybody bring it up, but if someone comes to me and viably proves they made it or they have a believable source URL (don't want to  credit randos who just SAY they did it but didn't actually), then I'll gladly add the link to the YouTube description where it would go had I found it (always at the top) and add a tweet with the link to the thread of the post on Twitter. Sorry for this lengthy delve into this subject, but it's something I think about a lot. I want to credit rightly of course, but also, don't want not being able to figure out how to credit to be something that stops me from doing a video altogether. I'd always rather create the video no matter what, then later add credit if I failed to find it in my search and people point it out to me, which has happened maybe once or twice ever.

But, rest assured, I do *always* at least search. I search by reverse image search, and I search by typing in keywords of the image. I also do various different searches with various different keywords just to see what turns up. Know Your Meme can be useful, but usually only for more well known images which I can find the source on quite easily, otherwise it's typically just another reupload of the image. I find many matching images online and try to pinpoint which one is the most likely origin. Often, the answer I turn up with really is "none of them". This is one of those times.



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