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  • cigarette brands.mp4



A friend showed me this account and I loved it so much I needed to do a little video on it. Some of them are completely illegible with how I edited it, but eh, like I said in the other post, "Fuck It".

I try to keep my vids under a minute since some platforms don't like it when they go over that, so unfortunately not everything recorded was featured. Not a single cut was easy to make, and choosing which ones stayed and which ones didn't was very difficult. I wanted more of the "filler" ones like Hot To Touch where they almost sounded like actual cigarettes instead of batshit quotes to help space out the really out there ones, but there just wasn't time, and I refused to cut the ones in the video because I love them too much.

Maybe I'll revisit this account in the future and make this right the only way I know how - additional quantity. Which reminds me, I still gotta get around to more Jigsaw Quotes. Didn't they end up actually officially collaborating with the actual Saw movie? Is that even worth revisiting if they could probably get the actual Jigsaw to read the tweets? Eh, I dunno, they're fun to do. "Fuck It"




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