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  • gman mcgriddle.mp4



Once again Tasch goes above and beyond and shows me up. What the hell? Why is she like this? Why can my friends not spare my pride, even for a moment? Nonetheless, always glad to have an excuse to pull Tasch in for something.

We've finally done it, we finally have a video where the signoff is longer than the video. I actually do try to avoid this, but I wanted to use Tasch's KinoFabino read, and I also felt like it'd be robbing the world to not give them the G-Man McNuggets dialogue, so I made a sacrifice this time and just ran with it. Eh, fuck it.

It's probably uncool at this point to use The World sound effect for time stopping, but I'm sorry, I'm just not sure if I'll ever have the strength and self-restraint to not do it. It just feels right, every time.




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