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  • horse man.mp4



I'll be upfront. I think I'm unworthy to dub this. I think all of us are. This is one of those times when a meme is truly beyond me, and I shouldn't even do it. But I wanted to. I deeply wanted to dub this one, knowing full well I couldn't possibly do it justice. The video came out exactly how I hoped, with the VO being less audible over the sounds of the ocean, and still is nowhere near good enough. I'm okay with that. At least it's off my chest. Man.

I also have abso-fucking-lutely no idea where the source on this might be. I have no clue where this image comes from, and can't even point to some oldest one I found and say "maybe from here" due to the sheer legacy of this image. It just arrived to us one day I suppose. To enhance the world we live in.



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