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  • chief quesarito.mp4



Kino said this one was a commemorative gift for hitting 50K on Twitter, so of course you know I had to do it. But I mean, yeah, also of course I was bound to do it either way. I thought about actually pulling Seigi again to voice Arbiter, but first of all, I felt bad about the idea of pulling him again so soon. Second of all, I actually had no idea what to make Arbiter say, and wasn't even sure if he should say anything at all at first. Then, third of all, the best idea hit me. To pull a clip from Arby n Chief. Of course. No other reasonable choice at that point. But I probably would pull Seigi to voice Arbiter. He has those great low bassy tones which I think would fit well, and honestly it's just an excuse to pull Seigi in for more stuff which I really want to do.



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