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  • batman weed.mp4



A lot of folks were telling me that they think I sound pretty good as Batman - that's so nice. I appreciate that. So naturally I had to make sure I'd do a post which would guarantee no legitimate production would ever want to have me as the role.

I dunno the source, best I could find was this iFunny link but I don't recommend going to iFunny and I doubt anything on there is the actual original source. But eh, if I put nothing then folks might think *I* made the image and I don't want that. That was a choice I made and regret on some older pieces, I couldn't find a legitimate source for some memes so I'd just link nothing, but I think going forward I'm just gonna make sure I can link *something* so it's clear I didn't make the image itself.

Especially because sometimes I *do* make the image and I also credit nothing in those cases, so it could make it a little confusing for anyone who isn't super Online and hasn't already seen the image I'm dubbing (if it's not one I made). So, uh, anyway, yeah. The """"source"""":




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