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  • armstrong real.mp4



The moment I'd seen this image, I knew I had to do something... Well. I now present... Something.

Originally the PS5 line was just gonna be a stupid little blooper joke I tag on at the end of the audio file for the amusement of you good Patreon folks, but this time I liked it so much that I actually put it into the video. I try not to do that too much because I find I like a more concise shitpost that has a firm plan and sticks to it without kinda feeling like it's... I dunno, wasting your time with trying to be funny? Rambling on a freestyle at the end?

Plus, when I'm dubbing something that already exists, I like to just stick to the script so as to sorta serve to bring the material to life rather than try to hijack it too much. I add little twists here and there to make it unique, but I try not to make it my own too much, so as to sorta respect the material and not lose touch with what made it good. But in this case, well, I "wrote" it (as much as you can write something based on an existing meme like "become real"), so I'm more free to do whatever the hell I want.

Still, even now I think I might've liked this one more if it just hit the picture and ended, but I'm keeping it how it is, partially because if people *really* want a video to end sooner, lmao they'll actually cut it wherever they please when they all reupload it and the actual video's known identity changes over time to be whatever that shorter version is (there's a good MGR joke in here somewhere about the legacy of memes or something), and also because I don't do this freestyle at the end thing too often so I figured I liked it enough *this time* to mix it up and keep it in for a change.

Also because I want to inspire people to discuss MGR on PS5. I don't even have a PS5 nor do I plan to get one, but more MGR should always be a discussion on the table.



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