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  • shinra.mp4



Depending on which cutscene you're watching, I feel this character can sound a bit different, but I somehow manage to sound like none of them. That's fine - I still like the post a lot and am pretty satisfied with how it sounds anyway, accuracy be damned. I'm okay with posts not being accurate impressions as long as I think they "sound good". I've always said that if I let a focus on accuracy overtake me, I'll miss out on doing a lot of fun stuff with a lot of fun characters. Hyper accurate impressions was never the point of the channel, it's kinda just an expectation a lot of folks developed. Which I suppose is a compliment to the work I've done, but for one I don't think any of the impressions are that accurate anyway, and also I can't let it write me into a box I'm afraid to play around outside of.

Anyway folks, remember to take bathroom breaks and take care of yourself as best you can. Your employer won't be with you every waking moment of your life, but your body always will. And, it's the only one of those two things which will adequately thank you for taking care of it.



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